Recent content by RealBboy360

  1. R

    [SOLVED] Win 10, 4 year old desktop crashes once or twice a day

    Yeah, I reset to defaults and tried to underclocked. I maybe it's my memory I have a decent graphics card, but don't use it too much, just have dual monitor display, many times the computer is not doing anything when it crashes. . Graphics card ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 3GB Dual-Fan OC Edition...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Win 10, 4 year old desktop crashes once or twice a day

    So this is home build with m2 hard drive z170-ar asus with intel cpu, I got a good corsair power supply. I don't play games, much or that's not causing the crashes. I mostly do Visual Studio as my main thing. It did help when deleted multiple year versions of VS and only had 2019 running, but...
  3. R

    Chrome won't start, tried several re-installs

    I've had this desktop for a few years. I got the "Chrome needs to relauch to update" message, so I pressed re-launch and it didn't come up. The restarted the computer, same thing. Then I uninstalled, re-installed. Same thing. Then I remove the google folder in the users/appdata/local...
  4. R

    Anyone got a Vive running with AMD processor?

    I used to have a 8350, always had problems with nvidia and AMD so I would use the on-board graphics. I saw VR coming out a while ago so I made my switch to Intel and skylake. Good thing was that the hard drive still worked with different processor and MB. I'd probably try to use AMD video...
  5. R

    Which GT 980ti for Rift 11in space

    So maybe I think I'll get the EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB. I don't I need a Hybrid since I'm not going to be over-clocking
  6. R

    Which GT 980ti for Rift 11in space

    I'm thinking ZOTAC GeForce GTX 980Ti or the EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB HYBRID Would getting an asus do anything better with my motherboard?
  7. R

    Which GT 980ti for Rift 11in space

    So I have a Asus Z170-AR motherboard, it's got a TPU if that helps. My case is a mini cast and I have a clear 11in, and it seems like the card could probably extend into the empty drive bays if it had to. A lot of cables going through though. Now I'm only going to play games on the O Rift...
  8. R

    Gtx 980 ti which one to buy

    I'm wondering the same thing, my motherboard is asus and I like the brand, so I'd rather get an asus. The Strix is 16 in long though, I have a regular case, not sure how that will fit in there. I need to measure. CPU is liquid cooled. I'm only going to use it for VR Rift, won't play other PC...
  9. R

    HTC Vive Will Cost $799, Gets Last-Minute Hardware Updates

    No one is really talking about he video content (view only) and which will have more. Like Lebron working out, front court seats in an NBA game, or a VR special made movie (and porn). I'd think Rift would have more of that and I think that will drive VR more than games.
  10. R

    HTC Vive Will Cost $799, Gets Last-Minute Hardware Updates

    With Kinect along with Wii, it was fun at first. I've probably used Kinect more than anyone, I actually liked it for a few games. Dance central is actually pretty good for exercise. I can't imagine wanting to move around with wires attached to me though, nor do I have the room for it. This...
  11. R

    HTC Vive Will Cost $799, Gets Last-Minute Hardware Updates

    Kinect proved people don't like walking around around much playing games. Porn drives most tech industries anyway. I don't many people are going to be getting their freak on while running around their room. Rift will win.