Recent content by rmonahan

  1. R

    Hackintosh Build on my current setup

    This will work
  2. R

    What Parts madder when building a Hackintosh

    Go to this site will tell you what is compatible.
  3. R

    [SOLVED] Updated my hackintosh and now after apple boot screen it goes black. Please Help.

    So I updated my hackintosh the other night and when I shut it down it updated something and I didn't bother to turn it back on because it was late and I needed to go to bed. Today I go to turn it on and it it goes through the normal Gigabyte motherboard boot screen, then proceeds to go to the...
  4. R

    Will this motherboard work?

    I am wondering if this motherboard will work for a hackintosh.]
  5. R

    What Parts madder when building a Hackintosh

    I am currently building a hackintosh and I am getting an i7 4770k and I was wondering what other parts work
  6. R

    Will this psu fit in prodigy

    how about this one
  7. R

    Will this psu fit in prodigy

    Heres the link
  8. R

    Will my motherboard fit? what about this case
  9. R

    Do I need a haswell certified psu

    Thanks. I just dont want to spend 100 on my psu
  10. R

    Will my motherboard fit?

    Will a asrock fatality h87 fit in a prodigy mini itx?
  11. R

    Do I need a haswell certified psu

    I was also wondering if a asrock fatality would fit in a prodigy case.
  12. R

    Do I need a haswell certified psu

    I am getting the intel i7 haswell 4770k and I heard about haswell certified psu's and I was wondering if I needed on or if I could just spend 30 bucks on a cheap psu.
  13. R

    i7 or E3

    Core i7 4770K 3.5GHz Socket LGA 1150 Boxed Processor or Xeon E3 1230V2 3.3GHz LGA 1155 Boxed Processor
  14. R

    What Graphics Card Should I Get?

    I am looking in the $150 range. I should have left some more money for the GPU but I spent it all on the i7, Ram, and Other stuff.
  15. R

    Will this psu cut it?

    Thanks man.