Recent content by Rokinamerica

  1. Rokinamerica

    Question Tutorial for calculating power on hours/host reads/writes ?

    If you are getting it really cheap, maybe worth it, assuming you have a good backup routine. But I am talking really cheap. I personally would not buy any used drive.
  2. Rokinamerica

    Discussion How safe and reliable is Newegg?

    I used Newegg extensively when Covid hit and I had to WFH. I built a new PC piecemeal during 2020 and never have had an issue so far. As other said already, I only buy "Sold and Shipped by Newegg".
  3. Rokinamerica

    Question If I transfer 2 HDDs that are configured as a single drive to my new PC, will they work ?

    So, add another drive or 2? Get larger size drives and just add to the PC. I run similar to USAF. And have an active backup system in place. Externals are also a consideration for storage of non-essential but important data.
  4. Rokinamerica

    Question office update overkill

    What does it say when you click on the blue link named "View tech details" next to each event?
  5. Rokinamerica

    Question Windows 10 keeps installing Radeon software without my permission

    You can pause Windows updates from a week up to 5 weeks. I suggest you pause it for now. Do you have any software related to AMD like Adrenalin or such? That may be where your updates are coming from. If you are not sure, pause the windows updates for a week to see if it stops. If it doesn't...
  6. Rokinamerica

    Question Videos on USB device become unplayable/corrupted ?

    What do you mean by: "USB is connected, not being used, the longer it stays on, the more videos inside become unplayable, if I reconnect it, the videos are playable again"? How do you reconnect if it is already connected? USB what? Flash drive, external drive? What are the specs to your setup?
  7. Rokinamerica

    10-20 minutes to complete!?!?!?!?!

    It all comes down to how much will you pay for THW. Everything else is window dressing. They want to know how many will pay and how much. Could have been answered in 1 question, would you pay to come here. No.
  8. Rokinamerica

    Question Fan for unidentified laptop

    I had a Sager (a Clevo based builder) about 10 years ago or so and as Lutfij says, I opened it up and was able to buy the replacement fan online. Clevo laptops are sold by many boutique builders and branders. Parts are easy to source usually.
  9. Rokinamerica

    Question Data Recovery

    Without any other info or pics/images, I would guess you may have formatted the wrong drive.
  10. Rokinamerica

    Question 24-inch or 27-inch monitor for bad eyes ?

    I use 2 x 27" and a 34" ultrawide (all at 1080) and am able to see all text well. I occasionally will up a webpage to 125%, but other than that am happy with everything (10 hours a day working).
  11. Rokinamerica

    Question Can anyone suggest an email service that has better tech support?

    My Cox got changed to Yahoo, kept the email addy, but I don't pay, and still have never needed CS for email in roughly 30 years.
  12. Rokinamerica

    Question Can anyone suggest an email service that has better tech support?

    I have used Cox, Gmail accounts for myself (personal and business) and family (again, personal and business) since the 90's. I do not recall ever even needing CS, and certainly never paying for support. OP, you should answer the questions above so we can try to help.
  13. Rokinamerica

    Question After restoring a restore point, suddenly mostly Win10 apps and services are very slow.

    For the drive letters, identify each drive and which Sata port it is connected to. Reconnect each to the same port and the letters should match, or you can manually rename if any are out of order.
  14. Rokinamerica

    Discussion The jokes on me ... 5090 purchase

    My guess, at least the way I would do it, is to find someone I know that needs a few spare ducats and pay them a bit to wait in line instead of me.
  15. Rokinamerica

    Question Question regarding payment after the death of win 10

    This is a good way to still have a fairly fast laptop.