Recent content by roscoe303

  1. R

    Unable to get Heaven Benchmark running on Windows 10

    OK so I re ran DDU and to uninstall both AMD and nVidia drivers. Then I went to install the nVidia drivers and that got Heaven to work again. I guess something must have happened when upgrading from Windows 8.1 to 10 because last I used Heaven it worked fine when I was on Windows 8.1...but yeah...
  2. R

    Unable to get Heaven Benchmark running on Windows 10

    Thanks for the recommendations. I will take a look at them if I can't get Heaven to work. Gonna attempt to use DDU again. Hopefully it fixes...
  3. R

    Unable to get Heaven Benchmark running on Windows 10

    Hmm...Guess I can try to run it again...would you know any other benchmarking software that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for?
  4. R

    Unable to get Heaven Benchmark running on Windows 10

    When I attempt to launch the application. I only get the splash screen at the beginning where I can choose the different settings.
  5. R

    Unable to get Heaven Benchmark running on Windows 10

    So last night I upgraded to Windows 10 and I've been trying to run Unigine Heaven Benchmark 4.0 and I've been met with the following the errors of a "Can't set video mode" followed by "Unigine fatal error ; Unknown Nvidia GPU ; feature level 10.0 is not supported" I've tried to Google around a...
  6. R

    Hide Your Wallets, Steam's Summer Sale Starts Today

    So far this sale doesn't look too great. Hopefully it gets better.
  7. R

    FunimationNow Streams Anime Just After Japanese Debuts

    It's about time they redesigned that abysmal website and don't even get me started on there APP they have for android -_- Looking forward to the new services. Can't do much worse than what it is currently although the PS3/PS4 apps are OK
  8. R

    Sony Drops PS4 Price To $349.99

    Bloodborne right now is like $25 (20 if you have BB GCU membership)
  9. R

    Headphone + Mic setup

    OK think I get it now. Then I will be going with your suggestion after all :) - Thanks a lot guys
  10. R

    With Roku 4, 4K Content Grabs the Spotlight

    If I could trade in my current Roku (Roku 3) for this device I wouldn't hesitate. If that's not the case then my Roku 3 will do just fine.
  11. R

    Headphone + Mic setup

    Deciding to go with the Headphones suggested by MisterJef. I was able to find a different mic from what he suggested for about half the price so I will probably go with that. Will leave a link of them below...