Recent content by scoutbar

  1. S

    New ram no display

    K so I bought another 8gb o ram today which brings my total to 16. Using them for gaming. I know 16gb is over kill and most games will run fine with 8 but Star citizen update has made running the game with 8gb unplayable. I have 1600 8gb ddr4 stock (original) and a team skill 8 ddr4 2400 ( new)...
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    1155 pin mobos and cpu

    Between the motherboard and the CPU I was thinking $350 to $400 I also need a psu.
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    1155 pin mobos and cpu

  4. S

    1155 pin mobos and cpu

    K so I have a 1155 motherboard with a i3 3240. thanks to one of my family members distorying it I'm in need of a new CPU. Now I was gonna buy a i7 3770 will that run on the board I have because Iv seen that the 3770 are lga1155 Pins does the lga matter and will I still get away with running it...
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    Gtx 650 not running on 770 motherboard

    I upgraded my system and sent my old video card to the houses main system. it's a 1156 board with 6gb of ram the card is a 650 ti 1gb. The problem is the card isn't showing up however it's old pci express card is a 450 ti and runs fine. Thought it was the power supplie but the psu the system is...
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    CPU and video card

    K so I bought a gtx 1050ti my CPU ATM is a i3 3240. I know this will bottleneck my system I'm using it for gaming. I was going to upgrade my CPU to a i7 3770 is this a good idea or do you think it would be too much, would a i5 be better I don't want to replace my board because that's still in...
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    can i run it

    hey all. I have a gtx 650 ti 1gb an i3 3240 3.40ghz and 8gb of ram will I be able to run star citizen. I'm not picky about graphics so running it in low res and settings is no issue.
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    dying light fps problems

    i have got dying light a first person pakor game and im having problems with it running in terms of performance. at the moment i have the game running with all the settings on low and the lowest res it can do without windowed i run the game for 5 minutes its fine i get about 40 to 50 fps maybe...
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    hard drive dying?

    im having trouble with my hard drive the problem is occasionally when i do a system reboot i get a bsod now i defiantly know its not my ram because i upgraded literally like 3 weeks ago to 12 gb of ddr3 ram im suspecting it may be my hard drive iv owned it for 5 + years its only a 180gb. every...
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    running multiple operating systems

    can you set up windows 8 on a secondary harddrive and change from windows 7 being on the main harddrive to windows 8 on the secondary. if so how? thanks
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    Will dayz run on a gt210

    Okay thanks guys is there any other games that would run great with those specs
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    Will dayz run on a gt210

    So my ram died in my computer and I'm unable to get more for a long time due to lack of money. But my house mate has a computer running a quad core I5 cpu I don't know the model. he's got 2gb of ddr3 ram and a gt210 1gb gpu now my question is, is his systems specs fine for running dayz? The only...
  13. S

    Can gtx 650 ti 2gb run gen games at medium settings

    I can run battlefield 4 on a gtx 650 ti 1gb card with a i3 3240 (3.40ghz) processor on high with 20 to 30 fps, on medium with 30 to 50 fps and low with 60 fps I think you'll right. most next gen game will run on the gtx 650
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    difference between cards

    what is the difference between the gtx 650 ti and the gtx 750 ti I know the 750 has more 2 gb as to 650 ti modal I have only has one but is there any real differences
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    good low cost cpus

    at the moment I'm running a Intel i3 3240 (3.40ghz) I have a gtx 650 ti 1gb and I'm looking into upgrading. currently I have my eyes on a gtx 970. I want a reasonably priced CPU that will not bottleneck the card but has to be good enough to play next gen games with. I'm not that knowledgeable...