Recent content by shorr8

  1. S

    Motherboard question for my build

    Hey all! I have my pc build list complete, and I've ordered every piece except for the motherboard and keyboard. I want to go try out keyboards in a store to see what switch type I'll prefer, but when it comes to the motherboard I'm a bit stuck. Here's my list:
  2. S

    Feedback/changes for final build.

    Hey guys! The other day I made a post asking for build suggestions and advice. I've taken those suggestions and expanded my budget a bit to get some higher end hardware parts. Here's the build: I opted for a 144hz monitor so I don't bottleneck the fps, sorry...
  3. S

    Interested in building my first computer ($1200ish)

    You've all been great help! My laptop is starting to crap out on me in other ways anyway so I'll be getting these parts together here soon. I assume I can find helpful guides and videos on how to build it online, but do any of you have tips for me going into this for the first time? Thanks again!