Recent content by SKYBOLT

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    Low gpu usage GTX 1060

    CPU usage 80%
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    Low gpu usage GTX 1060

    So lets say im playing gta v right. At absalute max settings im getting 50 fps. But i want 60 so i turn the settings down a little. Still 50 fps. More, more, more and at medium setttings i still get 50 fps. And then i look all that changes is my gpu usage. It seems like my pc is targeting 50 fps...
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    Do i need a antivirus on Tails ?

    I wanted to go on the *Deep Web* and i got Tails set up but do i need a antivirus on it ?
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    GPU prices going to drop soon ? 2018

    Welllllll shiittttt wont nvidia have new stock ? Or something ?
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    GPU prices going to drop soon ? 2018

    Aynone have any idea ? Because i dont think bitcoin is goin anywhere. So shoud i buy that gtx 1060 6gb for 400$ or will it every go back to MSRP ?
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    CPU temps in 70c - 75c

    They are cpu temps and im getting the be quiet pure rock slim so i hope they will go down even more TY for the answer :))
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    CPU temps in 70c - 75c

    When i play open world games like gtav utt and when i play battle royale and wide open games i get cpu temps to 70c-75c after long gaming. Is this ok ? CPU cooler: stock intel CPU: I5 7500 kaby lake. Airflow kinda shit but getting a new case tomorow :)
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    I5 7500 runs at 80 c when gaming

    Hey. When i run gta v rainbow six or redacted my cpu gets to 80 c.... Is this safe shoud i do something ?? And if you tell me to buy a 212 evo then ill tell you i l am saving up for a gpu and my case is mATX so i woud have to buy a new case and cooler.... So no gpu for a while then... Psu...
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    i5 7500 gpu

    Hi. I got a intel i5 7500 and i want a gpu now. witch is the best f my money. Btw im on a buged but i can save up more if needed
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    a8 - 7600 with rx 470

    Hi. Can you help me ? i have a PSU 450w 129mm cooler GTT. Will it be enaughfor a8 - 7600 with rx470 ??