Recent content by Spinachy

  1. Spinachy

    News DIY Kit Lets You Build Your Own Apple I, No Soldering Required

    6502 cpus and support chips are still in production. There are also many, many (open source) FPGA implementations. Smartykit seems to be a similar project to this Ben Eater 6502 tutorial and kit. I had a lot of fun, and learned a lot about microprocessors, by building the Ben Eater kit. The...
  2. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] Will my motherboard come with the updated bios?

    I assume you do not have an older AMD CPU lying around (did you see this?). I suggest buy the MB from a store close to you. Once you have the machine running, immediately load the latest BIOS from the MB vendors site. If the MB refuses to boot, then just pop down to the retailer, and ask them...
  3. Spinachy

    News Hands-on with Google Stadia: Streaming Doom Eternal

    You do not mention Latency (i.e. ping time). For example, Gamers tend to prefer e.g. higher-res mice, because that (supposedly) reduces the time between moving the mouse, and a reaction happening in the game. Presumably now the mouse movement will have to be sent up to the game server, which...
  4. Spinachy

    Question Computer upgrade. Need recommendations...

    Buy a new case only, to give your computer a fresh feel. Then wait until the next gen CPUs are released later in the year.
  5. Spinachy

    Question Help Choosing Resistor

    Resistors can only handle a certain amount of CURRENT - be sure that you get ones rated for the amount of current that will be flowing in your circuit.
  6. Spinachy

    Question Best, fun projects

    For me, the "fun" is not in DOING something with the RPi, but in LEARNING something, using the RPi. RPi was originally designed as a tool for people to learn programming. Follow a tutorial to get it to do something you want to try. e.g. set up WordPress, and use it as a web server. Or, learn...
  7. Spinachy

    Question More than one serial port on a Zero-W ?

    I want to connect both an Adafruit GPS breakout (Adafruit ID: 746) and an Adafruit-sourced Lidar(Adafruit ID: 4010) to my Zero-W for a simple robot. They both use serial UART. Should I try a USB to Serial converter, or should I wire up something like a MAX3111 SPI to UART/RS232 converter chip?
  8. Spinachy

    Upgrading to dual channel with my current build

    Intel CPUs are not as sensitive to RAM speed as AMD CPUs. Dual Channel is faster than single channel, but you will need a benchmark test to see the difference - you will not feel any difference at the keyboard. Your machine will feel slightly faster if you add an ADDITIONAL 8Gb memory stick...
  9. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] Leaving Hard drive cable and bracket in pc?

    You can keep the cables and bracket on the hard drive. This will help you to keep the screws from getting lost. Just keep it away from Static electricity, which could affect the controller chip on the drive itself.
  10. Spinachy

    Wondering About the M.2 NVME Mounting Screw?

    Yes, you are correct. I am a bit paranoid about losing the screw, so I prefer to work with a magnetic screwdriver when installing my NVME drives.
  11. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] Leaving Hard drive cable and bracket in pc?

    Your cables will not affect electrical operation of the computer. I find that unused cables left in the PC are just dust collectors. I prefer to remove them, and put them in my "cable box" for possible future reuse.
  12. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] Will I get a faster internet connection speed if I swap my factory wifi adapter antennas for larger ones?

    Are you sure your internet is giving 300Mbps ? I suggest plug into your router with a cable, and test again....
  13. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] ethernet port stops blinking

    Plug another computer onto the end of the same cable. This will tell you if it is a problem with your router, or just with that PC.
  14. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] How to install Windows 10 onto a new SSD if I already have it installed on old HDD?

    You must use "cloning" software to copy the contents of your hard drive onto the SSD. Follow these instructions : I like to then (temporarily) remove the hard drive, and set the BIOS to boot from the SSD, so I can check it is working...
  15. Spinachy

    [SOLVED] Power supply upgrade?

    It is true that PSUs do fail from time to time. But, while it is working, it is working. Your new machine will be powered perfectly by your existing PSU. I suggest keep using that old PSU. If you intend keeping your old components for a spare PC, then maybe buy a new PSU and case, so you will...