Recent content by Stefan_10

  1. Stefan_10

    [SOLVED] CPU cooling issues AMD 8350

    What kind of case do you have ? It's almost certainly an airflow issue
  2. Stefan_10

    [SOLVED] Case recommendation for a 360 mm (No coolermaster please, I have a personal vendeta)

    Hi all, I would like to upgrade my CPU cooling and case to prepare for the awesomeness that will be the next gen gpus. Right now I have a i7 8700k, asus prime z370-p mobo, some air cooler that was ok price and performance wise, but I can't remember exactly what it is, and a 1080. Oh ... and a...
  3. Stefan_10

    Cooling/mobo options for i5 8600K, in a small-ish case

    Greetings, I've finally ammased the funds to put my dream from 1 year ago pc together. I already have a gtx 1080, and I've decided to buy an i5 8600k to go with it. The case I have is a cooler master masterbox lite 5, I bought it because it was on sale at a local shop, and thought it looked...
  4. Stefan_10

    Cpu choice for my brand spanking new build

    Hello, I have been working my butt off for the past few months, and finally have enough money to buy myself a new PC ! I am mainly interested in 1080p - 60fps - max settings (if possible) AND vr gaming. Not really interested in 4k yet, and I might see to that in a few years if it is worth it...
  5. Stefan_10

    First-time PC Builder

  6. Stefan_10

    First-time PC Builder

    For the case you could always also search second hand shops, or ebay, or whatever. I always recommend doing a good search, you can always find gold.
  7. Stefan_10

    System not powering on

    Did you check that your other components are well connected ?
  8. Stefan_10

    Upgrading my rig. The nuclear power plant next door is closing down and I can't power it anymore :c

    Greetings, currently I am rocking a fx8350 and a r9 280x. I figuratively had to pay a scadoodle ton of money on power last year, and I kind of wanted to upgrade anyways. I would stick to the fx, as long as it doesn't bottleneck the gpu. I want to do some photo editing, and gaming at 1080p...
  9. Stefan_10

    With the holiday spirit in mind , i'm looking to upgrade my 'old' gpu :)

    Greetings ! And happy holidays , I am looking to upgrade my Saphire r9 280x into either a 1060 3gb (maybe 6 gb , if I find a good deal) or a 480x 4gb (again , maybe 8 if I find a good deal) My current build is fx8350 , 8gb of ram , a decent psu (not a known brand , but it served me well) . Any...