Recent content by tahmid10

  1. tahmid10

    [SOLVED] Alternative to Ryzen 3 3200G?

    Regarding buying a used GPU, I think no matter how I pair it with a CPU, it'll definitely cost more than if I were to just get the Athlon. My dad is using it for purely office purposes; so that means using Microsoft Office, other third-party programs to punch in numbers and Google Chrome. That's...
  2. tahmid10

    [SOLVED] Alternative to Ryzen 3 3200G?

    I'm building my dad an affordable office PC, and I've gotten all the components besides the CPU. I ordered the Ryzen 3 3200G off Amazon on June 24th and it was set to deliver in 4 days, however they've pushed it back twice now and are asking for my approval yet again to have it delivered by...
  3. tahmid10

    [SOLVED] Is it possible for a Prebuilt to be $700 cheaper than a DIY build?

    For some context: My friend got his PC for $1300 from a Micro Center near us, back when they would make Prebuilt PC's. He claimed that when he looked into the components, they totaled at almost $2,000 if one would try to build it themselves; a claim I almost immediately shut down. He said that...
  4. tahmid10

    [SOLVED] Do I need a CPU cooler + heatsink for a basic office PC?

    I'm building my dad a basic PC for his office work. He says he doesn't use it for anything outside of basic programs like Google Chrome (or another browser), Microsoft Office or other programs to punch in numbers for his financial work. This is the setup I went with: CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G 3.6...