Recent content by Tenvis

  1. T

    Alienware 13 or 15?

    Well what I said was, My friend already has an Alienware 18 R1 (The latest 18 inch edition) and an M11X R3 and X51, That is why he doesnt need the Alienware 13 and 15. Im looking over for this bargain because I travel a lot and I do want smaller packages but the point of asking is that, Is it...
  2. T

    Alienware 13 or 15?

    Well, I was into a bargain. I know how they suck at most but a friend of mine offered me these laptops, brand new in fact, for like 75% of their prices. All are base specs. He has an Alienware 18, M11X R3, and an X51(HTPC). He sells these for 675$ and 900$ consecutively. So yeah, Its a bargain...
  3. T

    Alienware 13 or 15?

    Hello guys, I'm having a debate in my mind in which to buy. Im looking for a portable yet very handy laptop. Well, from the 2 choices above. What do you guys recommend? The 13 with a 1366x768 reso and 860M or the 15 with a 1920x1080 reso and 965m?
  4. T

    4690K and Gtx 970 SLI or 4790K and a Gtx 980?

    An SLI'd 970 would really be good but is not really sufficient in todays market. Tech seems to improve faster. If youre only going for gameplays, the i7 solution. A 16gb ram and a 980 would suffice. Plus, the i7's ht and a plenty ram gives you better renderingg performance when editing your...
  5. T

    Thinking of making P3 rig (vintage)

    If so, match it up with a vintage mod. Ya know, vintage stuff :) anw, yeah linux slept my mind but as far for windows, i domt have ideas about older versions
  6. T

    Thinking of making P3 rig (vintage)

    P3? I would like to know why you came up with such build. But anyways, the 98 is i guess okay foe the p3 rig. Windows 7 might be ram hungry for this build.
  7. T

    Mobo,cpu, gpu upgrade advice needed

    Get a good 4690 non k paired with a decent b85 or h97 chipped mobo. Preferably asus h97 gamer pro or b85 gamer pro. Then get at least a 970. If you can stretch the budget, 980. Also, a decent psu is needed to. I suggest getting a corsair or seasonic Psu. Oh and umm you can sell your parts tho. I...
  8. T

    mini gaming pc build

    I suggest getting the NH-C14. It has 2 fans that has lna (low noise adapter) plus itnis low profiled. 6 years warranty is like, long enough.
  9. T

    My new custom rig.

    Here you go, mate!,3941-7.html
  10. T

    4690K and Gtx 970 SLI or 4790K and a Gtx 980?

    The i7 solution gives you way more headroom than the SLI'd 970s. Go get that. ;) 16GB is way more than enough. OR You can get the 4690K with the SLI'd GTX 980, Yes. 980s. Decrease the ram to at least 2x4gb channels 1600MHz preferrably the cheapest (I think its Gskills, They make good rams.)...
  11. T

    Computer component question?

    Is it for casual? Bah doesnt matter. If you're gaming and you aim for latest titles like BF:Hardline, Upcoming (and still waiting) GTA V, and so on and so forth, You might want to change the CPU and get a better discrete GPU. But if you want to just ask that question, The A10-7850K will work...
  12. T

    mini gaming pc build

    Id probably stick with the i5 then get the 980 then replace the PSU. A better modular power supply will help you a lot in such small build. Cheapest one around is the Seasonic M12II EVO 520W, Enough power. be quiet! PURE POWER L8 is at the tier 3. There are loads of better PSU that costs cheaper...
  13. T

    Booting issue (bios loop)

    Ahci oh andd clearing cmos is removving battery then putting it back right?
  14. T

    Booting issue (bios loop)

    Hello. My PC is in a coma, and kindly help me with this... I booted my pc and the Asus logo is slow loading, not the usual speed. Then this message came up: "the current bios setting does not support the boot" then tells me to configure the csm. So I did, i booted it in the settings auto...
  15. T

    What upgrade path?

    Well, I might go onto another path so basically its the first upgrade option. The 2nd one will mostly be CPU, Mobo and Ram