Recent content by uncommonusername

  1. U

    Question How to enable usb ports when PC is off?

    I couldn't find anything is there anyway to do it on windows? my mobo is msi b350m gaming pro
  2. U

    Question How to enable usb ports when PC is off?

    I just want to have at least one USB port that I can draw power from without having to turn my PC on. anyone know how?
  3. U

    Question laptop APU temperature

    I have an A-10 series APU on my laptop and when looking at the temperatures in Hwinfo64 it shows two different numbers, can anyone explain these? I could only assume that tctl is the CPU by itself (so that would be the real CPU temp) and tsi is the CPU and graphic temp combined (so subtracting...
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    Question DDR4 rams speeds with R5 2400g

    I am planning on building a small itx build with a ryzen 5 2400g apu and I'm not sure what kind of ram I should get for it, particularly what ram speed. The mobo I got my eyes on specifies it's memory standard as: DDR4 3200(O.C.)/ 2933/ 2667/ 2400/ 2133. I know that the bigger the number is an...
  5. U

    is the ryzen 1600x still good

    Yes very good, very good indeed...nyahahaha
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    Ryzen 3 2200g

    Is this a recent pc you built? Also how many gigs of ram is it
  7. U

    hows my cpu temperature?

    Disregard that after reading your msg again did i realize you asked for Vcore, haha I feel dumb Anyway the Vcore is showing current- 0.520, minimum - 0.472 and max - 1.208
  8. U

    hows my cpu temperature?

    Hwinfo64 is showing 45C on cpu while idle. Im still not sure what voltages I should be looking for but found VDD at 0.969v and NB at 0.988v but of course im not sure what any of that really means
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    hows my cpu temperature?

    Running at atock. 48 at idle and 58 after playing games (but this is most likely higher during gaming). The way I have been checking is by rebooting and checking temperature in BIOS right after gaming, so I say 58 because that is the highest I have caught it at so far. Also im not really...
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    hows my cpu temperature?

    It sits around 48 °C while on minimal load. It seems rather hot to me or is that temperature fine? It's a ryzen 5 1600 and its part of my first ever PC build that I finished recently. Also the mobo is usually a few degrees hotter than the cpu. When i put my fans to full speed the lowest the cpu...
  11. U

    1st time PC builder, just some static/grounding concerns

    Ill just build it on carpet i guess
  12. U

    1st time PC builder, just some static/grounding concerns

    Just ready to get started building my first pc and I've done a bit of research regarding ways of avoiding building up static when building a pc to avoid damaging components. I'm just confused because there seems to be a lot of people who claim you don't even need to be that cautious. Since its...
  13. U

    3gb extra vram or 8 extra ddr4 ram?

    So im currently on the edge of getting ether a gtx 1060 3gb or 6gb. I have already decided that 8gb of ram should be enoigh, but a thought accured to me that if i do end up going with the 6gb 1060, would i instead just be better off getting 8 more ram instead and the 3gb 1060? The price...