Recent content by upyron

  1. U

    Pc, Monitor Black signal, no work...

    ok i can spec better way i5 4570 ASRock > B85M-GL crucial 4gb ddr3 ct51264ba160bj seagate barracuda 500gb MSI NVIDIA Graphics Card GeForce GTX650 1GB evga g3 750 aerocool dream box windows 10 home probably last year worked properly, i try remove this battery now (is it with a circle form the...
  2. U

    Pc, Monitor Black signal, no work...

    Hi I have a trouble about monitor, it not show any picture, everything is working psu gpu cpu fan ecc, but when i switch on this pc notingh in a correct port not say no signal.... i make a test between monitor and laptop with a hdmi cable, and work perfectly on theater mode or something like...
  3. U

    internet, is so slow reasons ?

    good news: i use a simple ethernet cable, cat 6, so ping is constantly 37 in 2 days, but from speed test is 9....upload is 110 upload always like 6. thanks for all help really...i think is bad modem or router, if i use wifi is terrible... last house where i am wuth wi fi was totaly fine ping...
  4. U

    internet, is so slow reasons ?

    Hi, I choose virgin media provider, but on my contract is 108 mega download, and optic fiber... i reach only max 50 mega when i am lucky and a horrible Ping (ms) 120, when is worst up 250....what do ? I contact them, they make tests ecc and said the are in this month to increase speed, and is...
  5. U

    I took this case, PC build Open Chassis

    hello i bought this amazing concept case, i have to know a important thing, is about airflow...some people say not need, (if you not cover badly) some other say as like all chase need a fans, otherwise why exist close chassis ? or all people buy a open case without fans..... so I neve build...
  6. U

    Headset 7.1, headset without microphone is better ?

    hallo, goblins! someone like me and maybe lots people want expand his/her knowledge about microphone/headset #audiothings #audioisinsideme. Q N. 1 Headset without microphone increasing quality/performance itself generally ? Q N. 2 Headset with 7.1 (i focusing) channel wich specs do you advice...