Recent content by Wouzer93

  1. W

    Triple monitor display question

    Hi all, my current build consists of 1 GTX 980 GPU and two VG248QE monitors however I am not enjoying playing shooters or RPGs on a two monitor setup as the divide cuts my character/player/crosshair in half. Therefore I was planning to add another monitor to which means my character will always...
  2. W

    Dual monitor display question

    Ok, so at the mementos I am gaming using a single monitor (VG248QE) which I think is fine for my pc and console as I can easily just switch from display port when on my PC to Hdmi when on my console. However I am now looking to bring a set top box into the picture which means I will be getting...
  3. W

    Gaming PC Less than £900

    Hi I am currently planning to build a new pc myself however I am not very good and don't have much knowledge on which parts are best or which parts are compatible with each other. I would like a pc that has the capability to be upgraded in the future with minimal effort such as not having to buy...
  4. W

    Missing pc case component

    Hey, I am looking to sell my old pc in order to fund for a graphics card for my current pc however I am missing a part of my pc case which I feel is important. I don't know what it's called exactly but I'll have a guess at expansion slot bracket. When I say this I don't mean the thin slots you...
  5. W

    Networking Question 100mb or 1 GB

    Hi, As the title states, i am looking for information on a network related topic. Basically what it is, is that i have very slow download speeds, about 2-3 mb.(That ends up resulting in about 200kps when downloading games.) At the moment i am on 100mb speed (By this i mean when i look at my lan...
  6. W

    One PC Showing same screen from computers desktop on Two (Possibly more) TV's Wirelessly

    Hi, The title pretty much describes what im looking for, i need to be able to show what i am doing on a PC onto two TV wirelessly. I have looked all over the interenet and cant seem to get an answer as many comments seem to contradict each other. Currently i have access to one Apple TV which...
  7. W

    Need advice about PSU and GPU

    Ok so I recently built this system. Mobo asus rog maximus vi hero Cpu intel i7 4770k 3.5ghz Psu xfx 850w black edition Gpu asus gtx 770 Ram 16gb Ok so I've been getting restarts when loading gpu intensive games or programs such as furmark. When I start this on any resolution I get almost...
  8. W

    Need Help Getting A New GPU

    So as the title describes im looking for help selecting a new GPU as my previous one which i bought especially for my newly built isnt working properly, I am NOT going to risk buying another one as after looking online i have found that the GTX Nvidia Geforce 770 has had many issues with drivers...
  9. W

    Need help with ASUS GTX 770