Recent content by xRedWonderx

  1. X

    [SOLVED] Asus ROG G46VW not booting ?

    So, I got this laptop from a trade, its definitely seen better days, but I'm fixing it to give to a family member. But I'm encountering an issue where when I press the power button it tries to turn on (get power led and keyboard backlight) for about a second then it turns back off. It makes a...
  2. X

    Ebay Quadro 5000

    As a final note, the error code you said is for windows itself. A device with the error code 41 is apparently "driver has been installed but windows cannot detect the device"... ahhg I'm stupid, welp never gonna try that again.
  3. X

    Ebay Quadro 5000

    Welp apparantly I dont have a choice now because i "accidentally" purchased it, I pressed buy it now, but backed out but the order somehow still went through so I guess I'll try to fix it or put it up for sale for the same price I bought it for
  4. X

    Ebay Quadro 5000

    Ah, I did I a little bit more digging and officially from nvidia an XID code of 41 is unused. I asked the seller if they were sure that the code was 41. But if its shutting down randomly, then it could be just a thermal problem, then again maybe not. It would make a good youtube video XD...
  5. X

    Ebay Quadro 5000

    The only way I'd consider buying a broken GPU is if it was an easy software issue, whether be bios or driver or even a cooling problem, but if no one knows what error codes mean then I'll just pass it by like ya said
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    Ebay Quadro 5000

    Hello, I have found a quadro 5000 on ebay for around 30 bucks, the only problem is that the seller says that the card is not displaying an image and is getting a error code 41 in device manager on it (with a secondary gpu installed beside it) I'm wondering if it's something simple that can be...
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    Dell Latitude E5520 Lid Replacement

    The laptop came in the mail yesterday, and after further review it appaears that the hinge and the lcd brackets have broken, the lid and front fascia appear to be ok
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    Dell Latitude E5520 Lid Replacement

    Hello, I have just bought a Dell Latitude E5520 off of ebay and the LCD Lid assembly is mostly destroyed. I'm currently trying to find a replacement assembly but cannot find a reasonably priced one. The ones that are, are out of stock. So I was wondering if an E5530 or E6520 ect. would be...
  9. X

    Dell Dimension C521 Broadcom 440x 10/100 windows 10 CU Issue

    i got it figured out, thnx
  10. X

    Dell Dimension C521 Broadcom 440x 10/100 windows 10 CU Issue

    I have a dell dimension C521 that I just installed windows 10 on, originally I posted a question asking why I had no internet connection, but I did some more digging and found out that there is a bug that practically disables the Broadcom 440x network controller when the windows 10 Creators...
  11. X

    Help Identifying Computer