2933 MHz ram

Forum discussion tagged with 2933 MHz ram.
  1. zunbaybee

    [SOLVED] RAM XMP specified at 2666mhz

    So my ram xmp profile is set at 2666mhz, but i increased the frequency to 2933 in the bios while using the voltages and timings of the xmp profile specified at 2666mhz. Is that okay?
  2. Cyber_Cow

    [SOLVED] What Samsung "Memory Type" is my Corsair Ram?

    Ok so I am trying to overclock my Ram using the Ryzen DRAm calculator and am trying to find out some information about my kit. It is a Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) CL16 kit. CMK16GX4M2Z2933C16 ver 4.32 I actually already know half the information, it is using Samsung DRAM chips according...
  3. Zvonkoo

    Question base 64k memory failure - G.Skill 2x8GB 3000 MHz, MSI B350M Gaming Pro

    Hello everyone. Yesterday my system booted up without beeps and it showed 8.00GB RAM (7.95GB usable) (instead of 16.00GB and around 16.00GB usable) in PC specs. I updated the BIOS, and it was fixed. But today, 10 minutes ago, display suddenly showed no signal while PC was running, i heard no...
  4. A

    Switching from Asus M5A97 R2.0 LE to Asus M5A97 R2.0

    I am currently running Windows 7 with my Asus M5A97 R2.0 LE motherboard, but there is an alternate version of that board which is the same, without the LE at the end. Would I just be able to switch out the boards, or would I have to reinstall Windows?