Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with 3090.
  1. Cubeeee

    [SOLVED] RTX 3090 bottleneck

    Hey everyone, I am thinking of buying one of the new RTX 3000 series cards (the 3090 probably) and was wondering if my system would bottleneck it at all. Let me start by saying that I'm a first-time pc builder and have little to no experience with bottlenecking, so please don't roast me if the...
  2. lNexu

    [SOLVED] Best 3x8 Pin PCIE Cable Layout

    I'm planning on upgrading to a 3090 - likely the ASUS ROG Strix variant. This has a 3 x 8 Pin power connection layout and is expected to pull 400w. I upgraded to a 1000w PSU to prepare for the new card, but I'm curious what would be the best layout of connecting the card to the new power...