
Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with Best.
  1. E

    HDD to SSD: Best software for partial partition transfer?

    Hi all. I would first like to apologize if this has already been solved elsewhere, or if this is the wrong forum (this is my first post). The problem I'm having is as follows, and admittedly may be a common one. I plan to transfer my windows OS over from my 500GB HDD to a Samsung 840 EVO 120GB...
  2. M

    Some weird driver/chipset/midi/keyboard/mouse issues.

    Hi guys/girls, I've just built a new PC (specs below for reference) and all has been going well up until this evening. Basically what I've been doing is getting the computer all up-to date with various windows updates, drivers and so on; everything has been fine however I had one small problem...
  3. G

    Desktop won't connect to router

    I installed a new gpu and it had some system lookups. After restarting the computer I can no longer connecter to my bt homehub 4 router. It finds the router, starts connecting and asks me for the wireless key. After entering this is fails and the windows trouble shooting doesn't help. Does...
  4. D

    Is this a good case?

    Hey Guys! I need a hand in understanding the case I have linked down below. I am considering purchasing this case for my new build. I have checked compatibility with my other components but I can't tell if there are any I/O ports on the front and also, where is the power button? Stupid question...