case dimensions

Forum discussion tagged with case dimensions.
  1. S

    [SOLVED] Case dimensions not available Neutron Lab NOVA W01 Tempered Glass PC Case

    Hey building my first pc, I just wanted to know if there is anyway for me to know if my cpu coolers height will fit a case I want to buy. Problem is that for the life of me I can't find any product specifications on any site selling the case. It's a mid atx case and my cpu cooler height is...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] Will All This Fit In The SG 13?

    I assembled this list of parts on PCPartPicker and I really would like to use the SG 13 for it but PCPartPicker seems to think they won't fit. I've compared the parts and their dimensions to Silverstone's SG 13 description and can't find any reason why they wouldn't fit. I don't want to start...
  3. S

    Sony Vegas Pro Crashes After 5 Minutes with a blue screen saying "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"

    I just upgraded my pc to a 7700k and 1060 6gb and I was working on a video in Sony Vegas 15. all of a sudden, one day, out of no where, the program stops responding, freezes, or crashes. If I close the program after this happens, my computer crashes and the blue screen of death shows up with the...