Disable iGPU

Forum discussion tagged with Disable iGPU.
  1. A

    Question Unable to disable AMD Integrated Graphics with an RTX 2060 installed and being used

    Title explains the gist of it, the concern I have is the iGPU using RAM for no reason, when it isn't even being used. I'll run down on what I've tried below the specs. PC Model: HP Pavilion Desktop TP01-0145M Specs AMD Ryzen 3 3200G OC'ed to 4.0GHz NVIDIA RTX 2060 16 GB DDR4 RAM OC'ed to...
  2. U

    [SOLVED] Switching from a iGPU to a dedicated Gpu

    Hello I've been running on my cpu's iGpu and recently i got interested in a game so i bought a cheap gpu to add to my system to run it a little bit better and smoother. But the problem is im not sure if i know how to do it the correct way but i really want to do it myself, as im not sure if i...
  3. S

    Question 2200G igpu disable

    I have a 2200g, now im using delicated gpu RX570, no problem so far but the igpu's vram still eat up my ram. how to disable the igpu? cant find any setting in bios to do this.
  4. N

    Question Igpu in ryzen 3 2200g and (rx 570 or gtx 1050ti)

    If i use 2200g with (rx 570 or gtx 1050ti or gt 1030) in my system then will i make any use of the igpu in 2200g ? Or will it just sit jobless in presence of high discreet gpu? And if so should i change to 1300x? I am tight in budget !! Only combos i can use are 2200g or 1300x +( rx570 or...