display not showing

Forum discussion tagged with display not showing.
  1. julleess

    Question HELP figuring out what is wrong with my PC

    Hello, Five years ago I built my first PC, with the following components: -Ryzen 5 2600 -MSI ARMOR RX580 8G OC -16GB RAM 2400Mhz -PSU Corsair CX650 -1TB HDD -MoBo ASRock B450M Steel Legend My PC never had any troubles until a week ago, my PC would start but say it has no Signal Found, and then...
  2. libertia

    Question pc wont shut down, restart, or even sleep, and does not display on monitor

    I really need help.. I don’t know much about computers but I just know something is really wrong. My pc shut off and went to sleep after I stopped using it for a few minutes, which is normal. Except when it was time I decided to use it again, my pc turned on but wouldn’t display after I waved my...
  3. M

    Question Nvidia 1060 Strix 6GB not working

    Hello, Today was just a casual day. I was playing dark souls 3 on my pc. Then my game froze and the screen turned black. My fan started to ram up. I turned off the pc and turned it back on. Then my monitor said 'DP no signal' . I thought maybe my monitor was not working. I tried unplugging the...
  4. Sourblock

    Question Extending Displays Does Not Work

    Hello! I've been having this problem ever since I built my new PC (roughly two weeks ago). When originally installing windows on my computer, I used my second monitor so I could still use my main computer with my better monitor. After everything was successfully installed, I moved over my new...