double click issue

Forum discussion tagged with double click issue.
  1. E

    [SOLVED] [Logitech G402] Mouse Double Clicks with a Single Click

    As my title suggests, my Logitech G402 double clicks almost 90% of the time, a recurring issue which has worsened by the time. I've come across hardware and software related fixing methods. Seems like it's a hardware issue and I'm assuming it's due to the reason my mouse aged at over 1.5 years...
  2. S

    Question Mouse is double and triple clicking for no reason?

    Lately my Corsair Gaming SCIMITAR RGB mouse had been double and triple clicking when I would Click one time. I figured it was my mouse so I bought a new one which is a Razer Naga Trinity but this mouse is having the same issue? What could be causing this and how can I fix this issue?
  3. A

    [SOLVED] Steelseries Rival 110 thoughts?

    Yesterday I just bought a SteelSeries Rival 110 for 42 usd (converted from our currency to usd) I know its supposed to be 35 usd or something closer but It doesn't matter. I just wanna know if I made the right purchase. My concern here is double clicking. I want to ask previous users or from...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] Good gaming mouse that will last long until it double clicks

    I currently have a G102 mouse from Logitech and I’ve read some similar issues regarding its double-clicking issue (single left click registers as double click or more, sometimes it doesn’t even register) despite its bad reviews online and one of my friend actually had it and said it double...
  5. Y

    Question Other way to fix mouse double click from click once than new mouse or screwdriver?

    Is there any other way to fix mouse double click than new mouse or screwdriver?
  6. S

    can't factory reset my pc

    Atm im using windows 8.1, but i want to factory reset my pc back to normal which is windows 7,would appreciate if you help me out