Driver IRQL not less or equal

Forum discussion tagged with Driver IRQL not less or equal.
  1. S

    Question I keep getting BSODs about 5 to 6 times a day ?

    I keep getting BSODs about 5 to 6 times a day, making it hard to do what I find entertaining on my computer. It gives me a different error most of the time. I've cleaned out my computer, Used DDU, updated my intel chipset drivers, taken out two sticks of ram at a time to check for faulty sticks...
  2. vanillabear007

    [SOLVED] Out of ideas what causing my BSOD errors...

    Hello everybody, So I’ve got a problem that persists for two years now, but as it didn’t get worse I could live with it. Now I’ve got time so I’m trying to figure out what the hell is going on with my PC. The symptoms: Rare BSOD errors, very unpredictable without any consistency. What I mean...
  3. E

    [SOLVED] get a screen freeze and blue screen

    After i start up some games like Project Cars2 and Rfactor2 i het a screen freeze and after that a blue screen with: video scheduler internal error or driver irql not less or equal. what to do? new PC build: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 XT ASRock B450M Pro4 G. Skill DDR4 Aegris...
  4. I


    Hello guys, built my PC 3 days ago. Yesterday installed windows, apps, etc. started playing games and firstly I got blue screen with “page fault in nonpaged area”. Then after reboot, i tried to play one more time, and after like 20 mins got “driver IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL”. PC SPECS: Mobo - Msi...
  5. R

    Question DRIVER IRQL AND MEMORY Management BSOD

    Basically these BSOD's happen at random times usually like once every 2 or 3 weeks but they all happen on the same day it's odd. I have ran a memtest of 4 passes since it's the free version and got no errors. Here are my specs: Intel I3 - 8100 G.Skill RipJaws V series 8gb ram DDR4 2 sticks...
  6. J

    Question Windows 10 Blue Screen

    Hello, My PC has been experiencing blue screens for a while now. I built this PC back in January, but the blue screens didn't occur right after. A little while later, I started getting the blue screens, but after trying a couple things, I think it was the chipset driver that fixed it. But now...
  7. S

    Intel workload accelerator vs intel Xeon phi

    I’m a noob to advanced level server hardware beyond the server computer drives cpu ram and so on. So what is the difference between this HP 800gb NVMe Mu Hh/hl PCIe Workload Accelerator / Intel DC P3600 SSD And a Xeon phi coprocessor??? What are the two used for? Would either be good for...
  8. X

    RX 480 Causing Trouble

    So I'm having a lot of trouble with my rx 480 and hope you guys cam figure out whats wrong. I bought this video card a week ago along with an xcp 530w sentey. The next day after I bought it, my pc randomly restarted while I was navigating the internet. I checked everything on my pc and couldn't...
  9. P

    hi my system is windows 7 and i am using dual core system with xpro company standard keyboard but on daily basis i am getting

    hi my system is windows 7 and i am using dual core system with xpro company standard keyboard but on daily basis i am getting issue that keyboard is not working for approximate 15 mins. after that keyboard is working fine. please suggest what i have to do to resolve this issue