Dual Boot

Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with Dual Boot.
  1. Petrossa

    Access to main website gives an error.

    Hi guys. How come I'm getting a 403 (forbidden) error when trying to access the main site? (https://www.tomshardware.com) http://prntscr.com/kyt0lw for a screenshot.
  2. G

    Fake gt640 graphics card? What could it be?

    Hello everyone! I'm wondering if you guys know what this most likely fake gt640 is. Looking at the graphics chip, the model is GF-EMP8-A2. Searching it up on google just shows listings for the chip and the chip itself. Just wanted to know what this gpu actually is. Thank you.
  3. D

    How control volume

    How do I adjust and mute the volume on a ToshibacC55 laptop?
  4. ZHU92

    Spare GPU usable to stream?

    Just got a used gtx 1080 for cheap locally and I have my rx 570 4gb model still. I'm wondering if there's any reason to keep it as a secondary gpu in the system (for rendering/streaming to help offload from the cpu if that's even a thing?!) or should I just sell it off locally and get some dosh...
  5. N

    Long range wireless connection.

    I am new to the topic, but need to set up a LAN which is about 170ft from my router; in the garage. The internet connection needs to be quite fast as I aim to set up 10 computers in the garage and have them all active at the same time for a LAN party. Any additions to my problem would be...
  6. The Tiger

    Neighbour has installed high power WiFi that's taking my network down. What to do?

    Our old neighbour moved out and the new neighbour has installed a high power WiFi router (probably the 1000 mW TP link one with 9 dBi antennas.) As if the 10x power atrocity wasn't enough, the bandwidth has been set to 40 MHz. Now, I invested in a new router a few days ago - TP Link Archer...
  7. F

    Got new SSD & 3 weeks later I still have problems booting into Windows

    Hi, So I don't now where to begin really. I hired someone online to help me with my computer issues. He felt it was a HD issue & that I should get a new one. The other one was from 2013. I bought an SSD which I got a computer store local to me to put in. That was back on July 22nd. This...
  8. P

    I think I have a problem with my PSU

    I just got back from a summer away from home. During the 2 months I was gone my PC wasn't run at all. I fully cleaned it out before running it when I got back because there was dust everywhere but when I booted it up my monitor said there is no signal coming from a computer. I have had this...
  9. G

    AMD X399 Redux: The New & Updated Motherboards for Second-Generation Threadripper CPUs

    We investigated all the available and future X399 motherboards on the market designed for your second-gen Threadripper processor. AMD X399 Redux: The New & Updated Motherboards for Second-Generation Threadripper CPUs : Read more
  10. C

    does having gpu fans spinning at high speeds affect its life span?

    ive been looking for a good fan curve for my gtx1080 and i see lots of people talk about how they set it to 20% for 20c, 40% for 40c, so basically a 1:1 ratio. Is this harmful for the card? Ive tried it and it spins REALLY loud. Which kinda worried me. But it did keep the card cool.
  11. P

    Convert "Dot pitch" in mm into "dpi" value?

    How can I convert/calculate a "Dot pitch" value in mm for a given monitor into a corresponding "dpi" value?
  12. Q

    My PC won't boot after installing M.2 SSD

    Hi guys, I've just bought a new m.2 ssd to speed up my system, which was a samsung 970 evo. Unfortunately after installing the m.2 drive on to the motherboard, my system won't boot at all, not even to splash screen. All the fans and pumps are running but there is no signal to monitors, keyboard...
  13. G

    Ip camera connection

    I have 3 story office how can i install 8 ip camera per story
  14. K

    How to wire my 8 ohm amp and my speakers.

    Here is my equipment: Yamaha R-S202BL Stereo Receiver (https://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-R-S202BL-Stereo-Receiver/dp/B01EMQI2CU) Pyle 6.5" in-ceiling speakers (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007LCL90/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?(ie=UTF8&psc=1) Yamaha NS-AW150BL 2-Way Outdoor Speakers...
  15. T

    No signal detected

    My PSU fried 4 says ago which I replaced and now I'm having a problem where the pc boots up but the monitor says signal not detected and my appliances aren't lighting up. (Mobile phone chargers though). Something that occurs which didn't before is as the pc boots up the motherboard is z270e...
  16. H

    Window 10 Laptop not recognizing any external HDDs after working fine

    USB 2.0 & 3.0 Thumb drives work in all 3 USB ports. External HDDs work on other computers just fine and were working on my ASUS U57A laptop until I removed it without properly"ejecting" it from the menu tray. But no harm at all to drive or dock--all work fine in all other PCs. Plus, my other...
  17. K

    Certain keys on keyboard not working

    Hello, I just bought a new keyboard three days ago and all of the F-Keys and the three keys on the right hand side of them do not work. My keyboard is the Roccat Horde AIMO. I tried everything for hours but nothing helps. I have the keyboard software "Roccat Swarm" installed and when I go on...
  18. L

    Laptop black screen with cursor and random bit of colors?

    I got a laptop that's a bit less than a month old but as I was watching a video from a flash drive I randomly heard a flash drive disconnect sound and then the screen went black with like a random patch of colors, I disconnected the flash drive I was watching the video from in hopes that it'll...
  19. Q

    Does an m.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 2242 SSD exsist?

    I'm looking for an m.2 SSD to stick in a laptop with an m.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 (m) slot and finding one of those in the 2242 form factor appears to be nearly impossible. Am I missing something? If so, is there a different SSD that the laptop is supposed to contain? The slot has the 5 pin end which to...
  20. K

    How to change mouse's dpi switch

    Hello, I bought a gaming mouse which includes a dpi switch. It has four different dpi settings. I use the third (second fastest) and I would like to know is it possible to change the switch to alternate between the setting I use and a slow setting for when I need the accuracy while playing...
  21. E

    [SOLVED ]1060 3gb not working

    I bought a used GTX1060 3GT OC 3GB 192bit GDDR5 and after installing it to my PC, the monitor won't display anything but the fans are working. I suspect that the problem is my PSU low watts, it is only 3 months old. Here is a screenshot of my PSU http://prntscr.com/jzgw3j Tested the GPU...
  22. B

    Asus ROG MB and Fan Xpert 4 with Corsair H100i v2 and Link ~

    I know there are many forum posts on this webpage and corsair's forum, but as a newb to pc building, I'm extremely confused and lost as to what is optimum and how to achieve it. I recently purchased an asus ROG MB and am extremely happy with it. The Aura program is awesome (i set it to match the...
  23. G

    GTX 1080 an upgrade from the Titan X?

    Hey all, Quick question, and I haven't been able to locate this particular answer through various searches: I currently have an EVGA Titan X, and while watching the E3 shows I got wondering if it would be beneficial to upgrade. From what I've gleamed from benchmark charts, it would [i]appear[i]...
  24. M

    Whats bettter ASUS DUAL gtx 1060 GB or Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1060 OC 6GB

    Can somebody tell me whats better
  25. W

    Frames dropping mid-game

    So my Asus ROG Gl551JM will run games just fine, until I've been playing for awhile and the frames suddenly drop to unplayable. I've had the laptop for a few years now and I think the problem is that my fan is busted and not cooling my laptop sufficiently, so the cpu decreases performance to not...
  26. LightningsalesUK

    Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 stuck @ 1.61GHz

    I am trying to get a system setup however the system seems to be stuck at 1.6GHz Maximum. It shows 1.61GHz on the system properties next to the speed it should be. ( 2.66GHz) I have updated the bios and set the performance to max in the Windows 10 settings. I heard it could also be a Heat issue...
  27. Q

    4k Gaming PC

    I was wondering if this was a good build? CPU: Intel - Core i7-8700K 3.7GHz 6-Core Processor ($347.00 @ SuperBiiz) CPU Cooler: Corsair - H150i PRO 47.3 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($169.99 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX Z370-E GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($190.98 @ Newegg) Memory...
  28. I

    Third party controller on Steam

    I have a third party controller that I bought for Rocket League on Steam. It looks like an PS4 controller but windows recognise it as Xbox 360. In Steam Big pictures is very annoying because i can't use the dpad and A,X,B,Y buttons exists instead of X,O, triangle, sqare. Can I do something...
  29. W

    Wallclock drains battery fast

    This is a bit off-topic from computers and other electronics. I'm just wondering why a wall clock dries out a battery faster than other clocks. You see, I have 5 wall clocks in my house and there's this certain clock that needs replacing the battery quite frequently than the others. All the...
  30. C

    When i play games is it bad if my desktop itself is really slow?

    Hello, when i play demanding games like say Pubg if i alt tab to my desktop my desktop is slow is this 100% normal or might i need more ram ?
  31. A

    someone has given me an aiwa music centre and although it lights up I cannot seem to get any sound from the two speakers, have

    help with wiring two speakers into an Aiwa music centre..it seems to light up but I can't get any sound out of it...have I wired it right ??
  32. M

    128 bit GTX 970 and 980?

    Ebay has all kinds of these 128 bit high end GPUs instead of 256 bit such as below. Has anyone gotten one of these and could tell me about it...
  33. C

    change the owner for all subfolders in this folder option is missing

    I can change the the Owner of a Folder or a File no problem but there is no; Checkbox "Replace Owner On Subcontainers And Objects" Here is what I mean... I discovered that there is an issue about this infamous checkbox appearing and disappearing since 2013 according to this article... I...
  34. S

    How much bluetooth loudspeaker Can i conenct with JBL conenct plus technology ?

    How much bluetooth loudspeaker Can i conenct with JBL conenct plus? 20 or 50 ?
  35. Joshontech

    Upgrading from GTX 780

    I built my PC back in 2012 I have an AMD FX 8350, Crosshair V mobo, and a GTX 780. The 780 was an add on later. I am looking for a good gpu upgrade to this card. I want to be able to do 4k gaming and not have to upgrade the gpu for at least 3 years or so. I have no budget yet so just give me the...
  36. J

    DVI Splitter Reduces Performance?

    Hi I am new to the dual monitor industry and would like to know if having a dvi splitter for a 144hz monitor asus. + a 60Hz AOC monitor would mean the 144hz would bottleneck to 60Hz because of the splitter or not. I feel stupid for not knowing the answer but I just wanna know. Thanks! -Louie...
  37. C

    using g230 with g40 usb dongle

    Hi everyone, recently i broke my logitech g430s, and bought g230s to replace them. I was wondering if the sound quality will be worse if i use the g430 usb dongle with the g230s, because the g230s dont come with one. I ask because i know with some adapters the quality becomes much worse. Thanks!
  38. J

    Office 365 Keyboard Problem

    So I posted here previously about my keyboard issues. It was typing zeros and periods whenever it wanted. Someone gave me the idea to make a new user for my login on windows. And it worked, no more zeros and periods. Until I installed Office 365. As soon as I installed it, it started again. So I...
  39. J

    Cpu 2? Where does it go?

    Hey guys, I have a pc with the specs below: I7 4770k 8gb ddr 3 2TB hard drive 1000 evga gold psu. Ok, so I am new to mining, so I took my pc parts out of my case. (I had a technician a few years ago install a new psu). Anyways, for some reason he only hooked up the cpu 2 cable. I don't have...
  40. A

    zotac gtx 1080 amp extreme and cable for 144hz monitor

    After I searched the internet about this kind of situation, I still got confused, Zotac GTX 1080 AMP Extreme has 3x displayport 1,4 which shown on their official website: "https://www.zotac.com/us/product/graphics_card/zotac-geforce-gtx-1080-amp-extreme#spec" And my question is: 1. Should I...