
Forum discussion tagged with #dvi.
  1. 1

    [SOLVED] 100hz through Dvi-d to Hdmi/DP? Please Help

    ok i have a dvi-d only Graphics card, my monitor is a 165hz screen but its only hdmi and dp but ive had an old dvi to hdmi adapter for a while so ive been using that (btw info u dont need to know but im saying anyways is that the monitor was a present and im a low budget gamer and i was not...
  2. AverageGamer24

    [SOLVED] What is HDCP in AMD GPUs?

    So today I was looking around in my AMD's driver options (it's 20.2.2) and I found an option in overrides called "HDCP Supprt" and I can toggle it ON or OFF, I found it at ON... Many people told me that HDCP support causes lags and stutters in games... but should I disable it? will it help me...
  3. AverageGamer24

    [SOLVED] All games are looking pixelated and too sharp at the same time!!

    So I recently bought an XFX RX 570 4 GB and after I started using it I noticed that almost all games that I play look too sharp and pixelated... especially far away stuff... Here's the video link where I tested Saints row IV to show that problem... sorry for the poor video quality of 720p...