Explorer Crash

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Explorer Crash.
  1. B

    Is this a good budget build for 1080p?

    As said in the title i just wanna know if this build will run games good in 1080p. I am open to suggestions on what to change but my budget is 500 dollars. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/jyk4kL
  2. K

    how to clean thermal paste

    Hi guys! I am new doing this and I have some questions. I heard I need isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the old thermal paste but don't have it so can I use anything else like acetone or medicinal alcohol(the blue one I don't know if that's it name)? Thanks for help! Edit: one more question.. how...
  3. N

    hardware gigabyte versus software gigabyte

    Hello, What is the difference between a hardware gigabyte and a software gigabyte? Thank you very much! Nicole
  4. K

    boot drive almost full can i boot from new drive?

    My120GB ssd boot drive is 98% full. I have a new 238GB ssd is there any way i can make the larger my boot drive. Maybe down load one to the other, how does all that work with win7 being installed on the first one??HELP! 3/1/15 sorry got busy at work with weather,ended up getting "acronis true...
  5. C

    Need of Help

    I'm starting my first build I was wondering if this was a good cpu and motherboard to use. Please put the pros and cons in laymen's terms. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=9116215&Sku=M69-00117
  6. G

    recommendation of mainboard for sempron 2200+

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus (More info?) Hi, I am looking for a mainboard for sempron 2200+. i am not a game fun. I use the PC only for running linux, watching video and office application. Earlier i though A7v8x-x, A7n8x-x were not so bad. But i read some pieces of...
  7. X

    Best Ethernet Port solution

    I have a PC which has one ethernet port. It is currently used by the cable modem. I want to add an ethernet port or a/b switch or whatever the best solution is to add a 2nd ethernet port to hook up a hard-wired Roku 2. Help!!! :pt1cable:
  8. G

    Lost CD-ROM drive functionality . . !

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) I'm running XP home with SP-1 installed. I've had all of the critical updates installed as well . . .at least I've had them installed. I've had to revert to using the RESTORE function sevral times to get my drive drivers...
  9. D

    Installing ACPI Support

    For some reason XP didnt install ACPI support, and im wondering if there is a way to install it without reinstalling XP. I heard of ways in 98 and such, but how do u do it in XP? The reason XP didnt detect ACPI support i dont know, might be a conflict. Here's my specs: AMD T-bird 1.3 Ghz Abit...
  10. P

    SURBL and windows 2000 DNS

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?) I am planning to use SURBL (www.SURBL.org) for spam control. Could you please help me how to use a local name caching server for SURBL zone using windows 2000 DNS. Thanks in advance for your help.
  11. G

    folder sharing tab in xp

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?) i want normal active direcotry user to share his/her folder. but he is unable to see folder sharing tab from windows xp pro. any idea?
  12. G

    Domain Local group and Require strong. GPO Problem

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.security (More info?) Our windows 2003 AD domain is in native mode and we configured the following GPO settings in the Domain Policy Domain member: Require strong (Windows 2000 or later) session key We enabled this key. We configured our SQL...
  13. Coputernewbie


    Alright well I have all the parts together and W7 is installed. But I need the drivers. I am confused on one thing though. I know I need a driver for the "chipset" but does it mean the onboard graphics chipset or something else? I'm almsot done. These are the last things I need. Please help...
  14. A

    Compare MSI laptop and Dell. Help!

    Hello, I am looking to buy a dell studio 15, but it only comes with the 1501 dell wireless-N. I would really like to upgrade to the intel centrino 6200 or 6300. Despite voiding the warranty, can that even be done. Is the 1501 dell wireless-N a card I can simply pop-out and exchange for the...
  15. A


  16. S

    Free sony vaio pcg drivers download for windows 7

    i want web cam drivers to pcg-61212w model lap
  17. P

    PC tries to wake up from sleep but can't!!

    Hi folks, I've recently purchased a new assembled high-end system running Win 7 Pro x64, and have come up with this strange problem: I put the PC to sleep, and can also wake it up using mouse/keyboard after short intervals. However, some times when I leave it to sleep for a long time (e.g...
  18. D

    Download soundmax driver for windows 7for vaio

    need soundmax driver for win7
  19. G

    At $621 Billion, Apple is Most Valuable Company Ever

    As Apple's stock crossed the $660 mark and continued to climb driven by iPhone 5 rumors, the company became the world's most valuable company that is not owned by a government entity. At $621 Billion, Apple is Most Valuable Company Ever : Read more