Far Cry

Forum discussion tagged with Far Cry.
  1. Dubkiss

    Question i7 9700k spikes 100% in Far Cry 5

    Hi guys, want to play Far Cry 5 but sometimes CPU spikes to 100% then whole PC is lagged and need to force restart PC, only happening in FC5 temperature seems fine to me, never goes up to 70°C, can it be also problem of Windows 11 ? played it for while on Win10 and never happend to me. gigabyte...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] FPS drop in some games ?

    Hello, I bought a pre-built PC in december and have had some trouble with certain games but nothing that could not be resolved with some tweaks like turning off steam/geforce experience/EA/ubisoft connect overlay, setting the texture filtering from quality to performance from nvidia control...
  3. minakoclato


    Graphics Card: GEFORCE GT 620 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz Memory: 4GB RAM Are my specs. I have trouble running FC3, which should not happen i have specs above the recommended requirements. what should i do to fix...
  4. P

    [SOLVED] Far Cry New Dawn does not utilise all VRAM

    Hey guys, I have a laptop with a GTX 1660 Ti with 6GB VRAM. Tried running New Dawn today but it ran like total garbage. Checked Video settings and saw that my VRAM was capped at just below 500mb. Updated my Nvidia driver, changed resolution, and restarted the game to no avail. Tried googling...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] All Games Lagging

    I am in a state of despair, all games even the oldies are lagging in my laptop. The games which meet the system requirements of my laptop or have even low system requirements lag in it. I play Far Cry 3 but it lags a lot. There was a time when I played Far Cry Primal and Watch Dogs on 1080p and...
  6. S

    Question Far Cry 3 lagging

    From since I have got Far Cry 3 it has been lagging tremendously. I have turned the video quality to lowest possible and the resolution to 720p. When I start it, it gives sudden lag and then after 10 - 15 second of lag it becomes fine, then this process continues. I have even tried setting its...
  7. J

    [SOLVED] What is limiting my FPS? help!

    I am only getting around 60-80 FPS on games like far cry new dawn and COD modern warfare (2019). I am playing on high settings - i would expect more FPS given my specs? or am i wrong? Specs: GTX 1070 (no OC) i7-6700k (no OC) 16GB RAM Playing in ultra/high at 1440 All running at normal...
  8. RealSmoke

    Question Decent Pc Somehow has small freezes on Far Cry 1 .

    So i've been playing the first Far cry game since i was like 4, always on a weak pc, but now i got a pretty decent pc especially for the price! But the game has a half second or even 1 to 2 second freeze mostly when: Zooming with binoculars 2 times , Shooting and hitting a enemy or getting shot...
  9. RealSmoke

    [SOLVED] Pentium D 945 vs Pentium 4 630 what's the difference?

    Ok so i have a couple of questions about the p4 and the pD what's the difference? is it worth to upgrade? Here are my current specs: Gt 710 msi low profile 1gb gpu, Pentium 4 630 cpu, 3gb ddr2 ram, 250 watts psu. Question #1: Will the pD have simuliar temps to the p4? the pD has 11 more watt...
  10. KD266

    Question Far cry new dawn freezes when i press a keyboard key

    Hello I downloaded far cry new dawn some days ago and as soon as i press a key no matter what the game goes on 5 fps from 40 - 50 When i play with a controller it works fine Can u tell me whats wrong ? Can anyone help me My specs Gtx 1050 ti Core 2 duo e8200 8gb ram
  11. O

    Boot logo stuck until restart

    Hello, I have a problem every time I turn on my computer normaly there is an asus tuf logo which loads for a few seconds but now it is stuck for ages. If you click restrart it will boot to windows for just a few seconds, no problem still fast but it is kind of frustrating. Do you have any idea...
  12. _MrLilNik_

    Overclock Damaged PC?

    Hey Everyone! Last October I decided that I wanted to overclock my Intel 6600k I was not thinking straight that day and was not writing down numbers, typing numbers mindlessly and I put the vCore too high and it just crashed with a blue screen. Immediately I set my bios settings to optimized...
  13. N

    Graphics Cards connected to a laptop?

    I was just thinking, is there any way to connect an external GPU to a laptop without thunderbolt 3? I saw some videos on youtube but those videos had GPUs taking power from an external power supply but how does that work if its a GTX 1050ti or an RX 460 or something like that? These GPUs take...
  14. M

    Buying a laptop - advice needed

    Hello! Since most shops return hundreds of models, even if I use the search criteria, I'm just lost and would appreciate a piece of advice from You guys. I'm looking for a laptop that would handle daily work, programs like Paint Tool SAI and less or more demanding games without a problem...
  15. Benisthebest

    Does this gpu come with a dvi to via adapter?

    Does the PNY Gtx 1060 6gb come with a dvi to vga adapter? Link to gpu: https://www.amazon.com/PNY-VCGGTX10606PB-VGA-Graphic-Cards/dp/B01IR5MR32/ref=sr_1_13?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1476033376&sr=1-13&keywords=gtx+1060
  16. M

    Buy now or wait for Vega/Pascal Refresh?

    I was about to buy a 1070 (up from a 770 2Gb). Should I wait? When should I wait until? Is Nvidia really going to release a new batch of cards early next year? Is Vega really going to dominate? Basically I'm worried I'll get a 1070 and in 6 months it'll be worthless. Love your thoughts.
  17. R

    Which Motherboard & CPU set up would be best for TITAN X SLI? Got two options

    Hi I managed to get some cheap parts on e-bay and was going to build a PC for myself and sell the rest if not needed. Got two options in terms of CPU and motherboard: 1. ASUS RAMPAGE IV with i7 3930k 2. ASUS Z170-DELUXE with i7 6700k This will be running two Titan X in SLI. Did some reading...
  18. N

    What do you think/help

    My current system Corsair 2x4 GB RAM AMD FX 8350 Nvidia 650 ti 2GB Noctua 15 500 w corsair psu 2TB HDD What im planning to get http://www.ebuyer.com/628239-g-skill-16gb-8gbx2-g-skill-tridentx-ddr3-pc3-14900-1866mhz-cas8-1-6-f3-1866c8d-16gtx...
  19. W

    Fans spin but no post

    I've never gotten this computer to post at all, not even for a second. I've narrowed it down to the motherboard or cpu. I have it outside the case with only the power, cpu power, and cpu fan connected along with one stick of ram. My parts are Asrock Fm2A88x+ BTC Arctic 64 pro rev. 2 cooler AMD...
  20. krotos1970

    any one have any driver issues? and overclocking issues.

    I kept getting driver issues, like not wanting to install, in the end it eventually did, overclocking following tested clocks http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/11/03/asus_gtx_970_strix_directcu_ii_video_card_review/3 even putting the memory in stock clock settings, I would get stutters in...
  21. A

    How can I program variables on Win 10 and google to move faster?

    Ok, so I tried last night modifying some experimental variables in google chrome, does anyone know which one to modify to move faster. Also how can I do the same with windows 10?
  22. M

    how to edit the Device Manager

    Hello from Ukraine. Tell me please. How can you create additional string in Device Manager. An example of how to make the picture http://pixs.ru/showimage/Bezimyanni_6178385_18926585.png
  23. H

    Where to buy Windows OS 7

    I want to buy a windows OS but i can't find a cheap one. please suggest a website
  24. V

    Is there some problem with my i5-4690k when turbo boost enabled ?

    4690k can reach upto 3.9 Ghz when turbo boost is enabled but CPU-Z and Windows 8.1 task manager is showing 3.7 Ghz as max speed of my CPU under 100% load... I have played with it's clock speed by using Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. Since then I suspecting clock speed has ran into problem...
  25. M

    thoughts on this build

    so im just wandering what you all would change in this build i may change some things. money really is not an issue but i mean with in reason lol PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($279.99 @ Micro Center) CPU Cooler...
  26. T

    Will intel i5 4460 bottleneck r9 390?

    I could use some help
  27. D

    Backups Wireless and prepared for failures

    Hello everyone, recently me and my girlfriend went on holiday and it got me thinking about the videos and pictures I have of my family etc. I don't really know much about backing up so I thought I would come here and ask. I'm looking for someway I can keep all my pictures, videos etc safe on...
  28. S

    Which of these ssd's are better.

    I was planning on getting a 120gb ssd but then I found these for like $20 more on sale and was wondering if they would still be as reliable for gaming and such. I was wondering out of the three or any others about the same price range you would prefer? Silicon Power S60 3K P/E...
  29. P

    COD Black Ops 2 on Win 8.1

    As of 7/11/2015 is it possible to play Black Ops2 on 8.1? It looks so cool I really want to play that game, reminds me of Advanced Warfare.
  30. R

    I applied Thermal Paste, and now my FPS is much lower than before. Help?

    Well, as the title states, Today in the morning I received my Arctic silver 5 thermal paste compound. I simply did everything a normal computer wizard would do when applying thermal paste. Alcohol and Q-Tips to buff out the old dried up thermal paste and dry up the surface before applying new...
  31. G

    Corsair 550W VS or 650W CS PSU

    I'm ordering a PC I've configured from PC specialist (I can't build one ATM) and I've got a choice between Corsair 550W VS or the 650W CS PSU is it worth spending more on the CS and will I need the extra wattage? I'm not planning to overclock or add Sli or Xfire. Will they both run my system...
  32. G

    Pc freezes when CPU is overclocked, please help!

    Hi First time overclocker here. I have an fx 8320 cpu overclocked to 4,2 ghz at 1.4 voltage and an Asus m5a97 R2.0 motherboard. So the thing is, whenever i open google chrome or watch a video, my pc randomly freezes and the reset button leds disappear (I'm unable to reset my pc when this...
  33. B

    Does EVGA give warranties for OEM gfx cards purchased through authorized sellers?

    Like the title says-Does EVGA give warranties for OEM gfx cards purchased through authorized sellers? If so how long? Thanks!
  34. R

    New gaming computer, seems to automaticly overclock and BSOD. help!

    I recently brought a ASUS A88X PLUS and the Raedon R9 270X. I've installed them both and a new OS (Windows 7 Ultimate) and everything works perfectly until i start gaming. I can play Battlefield fine but my pc did randomly BSOD once but rarely happens, I play Watch Dogs and after changing the...
  35. T

    Upgrading my PC and need some advice

    I currently have this AMD Athlon(tm) II x4 640 Processor 3.00GHz 8 GB of RAM Radeon HD7770 overclock edition (if that means anything idk) I want to upgrade so I can play next gen games like Far Cry 4 and other new games on my PC. I can play Shadows of Mordor on medium without a problem and...
  36. N

    is my headset good enough for gaming? and can i somehow get surround sound?

    Hello everyone, i recently got a bluetooth jbl e50bt with built in mic in a present. It sounds pretty good, but it is not made for gaming. Will this be good enough or do i absolutly have to buy gaming headsets? And is there a way i can get surround sound in them? Games i play: cs go
  37. J

    Rate this System!

    Hey guys! Finally, after days of wait my PC is finally here. Its a budget system so no GTX Titans or Intel Xeons- just basic awesome stuff. Here is the Config: FX 6300 NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti Kingston 8 GB Gaming RAM MOBO-Not sure :p Would be using it for Photoshop, 3D modelling, 3D rendering, Video...
  38. S

    What psu AND case should i get?

    Hey i have i5-4670k(@4-4.3Ghz in future) and msi Gtx 770 2bg TwinFrzr I was lookin about the Fractal Designs newton r3 600w http://www.fractal-design.com/home/product/power-supplies/newton/newton-r3-600w and Corsair rm-650(silent and i would get it from store near by)...
  39. E

    i need good programmming computer

    which computer shall i buy that is good for advanced programming please tell me which processor and ram and graphic card and others which is reliable and good for programming ,,,, my range is 10,000 email me your answer
  40. S

    CPU Voltage and RAM?

    So, I am looking at putting together a new PC, the CPU I have picked out; Intel Core i7-4770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor. Recommends a voltage of 1.5V(+5%). The RAM I have picked out; Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2400 Memory. Has an Operating voltage of 1.65V. What problems would I...