Forum discussion tagged with GPUZ.
  1. YnSSenpai

    Question Rtx 2070 Glitch

    Hello, i recenlty bought a RTX 2070Super GPU which i cant really use at its full potential yet. I have a problem that my GPU at its normal clock speed is glitching af (puts weird pixels all over the screen purpe, green, red, blue) but if i underclock in MSI afterburner with -100mhz on the core...
  2. talhaskrillx

    [SOLVED] GPU is stuck on PCIe x4 instead of x16 ?

    My GPU is stuck on PCIe v4.0 x4 but it's supposed to be running at x16 ? I am also losing noticeable performance in games and applications. All monitoring software are reporting that GPU is running on x4 only. (CPU-z, HWinfo, Nvidia control panel). Benchmark also shows loss of performance...
  3. R

    Question RTX 3080: GPU-Z says "vbios version: unknown" ?

    Specs: msi z390 mag tomahawk (running latest bios) i5 9600k x2 8gb corsair 3200mhz ram corsair 850 gold psu Hi there! Last week I purchased a Gigabyte RTX 3080 OC 12G from Amazon. When I mounted the card and first booted I didn't get any signal on the display, I tried both HDMI and display...
  4. T

    Question GTX 970 clock speed drops under load [video included]

    Hi all, I've ran into an issue recently with my Asus Strix GTX 970 where my GPU clock will seemingly throttle due to power under load, however the power consumption never goes above 60%. The clock will idle at full speed, and even revert back to full speed when I alt tab from a game. Only when...
  5. E

    [SOLVED] Help me indetify this fake GPU...

    Hello. So i bought a Pc with "Nvidia GTX 750 ti" in it and lately i found that it is fake. And the option lookup in gpuz doesnt show any other information. I cant send it back because this company has bankrupted. Some of you told me based on the GK106 die its 600 series, and judging by the...
  6. Denta_Code

    [SOLVED] Zotac 2080 amp extreme Core inaccurate Mhz Boost Reading

    Ok :D i know i maybe freaking for the wrong reason here :D but my card is supposed to read 1860 Mhz Boost instead it reads 1875 Mhz with 0% overclocking tried many utilities including zotac firestorm, msi afterburner & Gpu-Z and all the same readingis my card faulty or did i just got lucky :D ...
  7. E

    Does the Steam Link work with a monitor instead of a TV and a wireless 360 controller vs a Steam Controller?

    Hi people! I want to use a steam link to stream games to a secondary monitor since our family TV isn't always free. I got the Microsoft wireless xbox adaptor to use our wireless 360 controller on my gaming PC. I want to use the Steam Link as the middle man to stream games to a second monitor so...
  8. J

    New machine,after GPU installed, it shows no signal on my monitor

    So I just built my first PC: GPU:EVGA GTX1070 FE MOBO: Asus z170a PSU:EVGA 750W 80+ Gold. So after I installed everything, then powered it on, the monitor showed no signal. I've tried replace all psu cables, tried using a different pci-e slot, tried with one RAM in all different slots, and use...
  9. C

    Windows 8 Hard drive

    So I said I'd try and fix my sisters samsung windows 8 64-bit laptop which is stuck in a boot loop and i've tried almost everything to get it out of the boot loop like making a recovery drive, taking out the hard drive and powering it on to get an f4 option, none of the f-keys work in the...
  10. E

    Do i need an Aftermarket cooler for i5-4690k

    This is my first build so still a noob but im guessing i need a better cooler for my i5-4690k if i'm going to overclock it at all? and if so any recommendation's for a good cooler? I'm not going to be going for any crazy OC's seeing as how its my first time.