graphic bugs in games

Forum discussion tagged with graphic bugs in games.
  1. StaticScout

    Question Pixilation and Shimmering on all games | Tried all I can think of

    Hey yall, Recently I was trying to record an Ark Ascended video and noticed some weird shimmer and lower performance than usual. I later noticed the shimmering in much simpler games like Rocket League and Valheim. I usually record games with no issue, and have been for months. I have no idea...
  2. C

    Question Ghosting/Mirrored objects in Black Desert Online

    Hello there, In Black Desert Online I've noticed that on High and Very-High settings some objects/NPC's leave a ghosting(?) or at least something similiar to it. For some reason the problem does not appear on Remastered . On Slighty High settings and below is way more less noticeable, almost...
  3. M

    Question Graphical issue with objects and camera shaking, shadows flickering, can anyone identify the problem?

    Hi guys I have had some weird issues with multiple games Shaking objects and clothes especially on main character and NPCs. Shaking camera when above happens flashing lights and shadows, which I think is somehow related to above issues I have tried everything, including fresh windows on a new...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Graphical Problems in multiple games on 2 different PCs

    Hello, since a few weeks I've been having different problems in multiple games. First in Watch Dogs 2 and GTA V, in which the sky is flickering/flashing rapidly. But I also noticed that there are transparent rings or discs on my screen when I'm playing minecraft. I've been able to fix this by...