gtx 1060 3gb mini

Forum discussion tagged with gtx 1060 3gb mini.
  1. Cylie

    [SOLVED] GPU crashes and causes artifacts when playing games (also on idle)

    It could also be the PSU. Full specs MOBO - H110M PRO-VH PLUS CPU - PENTIUM G4560 GPU - Zotac 1060 3gb mini PSU - silverstone st50f-es230 RAM - 8gb x 2 TEAM ELITE 2400mhz FULL STORY Things I tried doing : Reseating video card Reapplying thermal paste updating mobo underclocking thru msi...
  2. sentry_gunner_531

    [SOLVED] Best CPU for Motherboard

    My motherboard is a: GA-EP43T-S3L I was wondering if anyone had some dirt about this motherboard and wanted to spare it to a new computer builder, i currently have a Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @2.66Ghz. i was wondering what the best supported (even if it isn't Technically supported in the manual)...