i3 10100f

Forum discussion tagged with i3 10100f.
  1. MA Axior

    Question Can i use non-80+ power supply for my PC?

    so i've been planning this upgrade for November 2023 i5-4690 > i3-10100F/i5-10400F 2x8gb ddr3 1600Mhz > 2x8gb ddr4 3000Mhz/3200Mhz H81 Mb > H410M Mb GTX 750ti > GTX 1650 a new cooler i already have good ssd and hdd so i guess i dont need to upgrade it. so after i do some math, i find out that...
  2. MTarek2

    [SOLVED] Can I OC the ram with I3 10100f

    I am having I3 10100f and know that with new B560 intel chipset I can OC the ram to 3600Mhz but not all the motherboards do that So which one of these motherboards can OC the ram speed with i3 10100F? Asus prime h560M-K ASRock B560M Pro4 Msi B560M A Pro And Is Asrock motherboards are good??
  3. HaXD

    Question 1070 Mini acting weirdly

    A little bit background: I purchased this 1070 mini as a second-handed, the warranty ended in 8/2020. I also pruchased a cheap Chinese monitor with no website or link whatsoever. The monitor require me to have both VGA and HDMI cable plugged in but due to the fact 1070 mini only have DP, HDMI...
  4. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Can I use a 144hz monitor with my motherboard I would be buying- MSI H410M Pro VH?

    I want to buy the mother board for using it with i3 10100f and GTX 1650Super pair, and I also want to buy a 144hz monitor. Would I be able to use the monitor at 144hz?