ivy bridge

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with ivy bridge.
  1. Z

    What is the difference between passive and active?

    I am trying to get three monitors on my msi gtx 970 oc edition and I am looking for adapters (trying to use the hdmi, a dvi-i to vga, and a dvi-d to vga) but i keep finding a whole bunch of specs on adapters as active or passive. What is the difference? Which one do i need?
  2. V

    Could my GTX 980 caused 2 of my PSU buzzing?

    Hi guys. I have this newly built PC with a Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 on my Asus Maximus Hero VII. First PSU I had for this built was the Corsair AX1200i, and it has the same buzzing noise that I have with my current Seasonic X-850. I don't think it's a coil whine because it doesn't have the whining...
  3. M

    Internal Hard Drive I/O error

    Hello, I own an HP 6730s notebook running w7 32bit. the hard drive had just 19gb of space left, so I decided to get an external Hard drive (WD Elements 1TB). I succeeded to transfer some data into the hard drive and freed about 30gb but the process froze midway until I had to restart. But it got...
  4. M

    PSU good enough for GTX 970 SLI?

    Hey guys! I just wanted to know if a FSP Raider 750W 88+ Silver PSU is good enough for running GTX 970 SLI? I currently own the following system: CPU: Intel i7-4790k @ 4.0GHz GPU: MSI GTX 970 4GD5 OC Watercooling: BLOODFREEZR 570LX RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws 2133 MHz 16GB Case: NZXT H440W Silent...
  5. S

    HTC One M9 Debuts, Flashes Style, Promises Performance

    In what was not at all a surprise, HTC announced is M9 smartphone today at Mobile World Congress. The HTC One M9 is the successor to the One M8 and thus is the new flagship device for the company. HTC One M9 Debuts, Flashes Style, Promises Performance : Read more
  6. I

    i7 4790K overclocking issue

    Hi guys. Well My mobo is asus maximus ranger .. I bought these components like a week ago.. They are really fresh. My cpu is currently operating at 4.00 ghz .. I want to overclock it to 4.2 ghz without tweaking the voltage. So is it possible to do it without voltage settings? Can someone help me...
  7. CRS10114

    Safe OC'd Speed for Zotac GTX 970

    Hello everybody, I have a Zotac GTX 970 http://www.game-debate.com/hardware/?gid=2487&graphics=GeForce%20GTX%20970%20Zotac%204GB%20Edition that I now want to overclock. The only problem is, I've never overclocked ANYTHING before. This is my first true build (I had a pre-built for a while...
  8. C

    $1200 Gaming Pc Build?

    I'm sorta new to this pc building stuff, but I've gotten advice from some experienced friends and I put this list together: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/sf7Fpg This is just the pc, I'm not worried about os, monitor keyboard etc. at this time. Is this going to be a powerful for the money, and if not...
  9. A

    New configuration for gaming

    Hello guys :) I was thinking of getting a compleatly new PC,and I was wandering if it will be enough to handle all the new games that are coming out. The specs are : Processor Intel Core i5 4440 Asus H81M - K motherboard 8 gb of RAM DDR 3 1600 Mhz Nvidia GTX 740 2GB DDR 3 graphics card MS...
  10. O

    How to install or connect pci 3.0 nvidia graphic card to pci 2.0 bus?

    I have desktop and its specs are intel i3, 4gb ram and its running nvidia 610 geforce 2gb graphic card. I have pci 2.0 bus. I got to know through your posts that pci 3.0 graphic cards run on pci 2.0 with no performance loss. But when i checked the backward connection pins of pci 2.0 bus, but...
  11. S

    Install Alienware Alpha UI on non-Alpha HTPC hardware?

    I do not actually have an Alienware alpha. I have never touched one, and it is possible that I never will. However, I do have my own HTPC, and I am always looking for good ways to streamline the experience and make it more user-friendly and accessible like a console. Ever since it was announced...
  12. R

    Black screen then either shutdown or nvlddmkm stopped responding error

    After using any 3D heavy application, after awhile my screen will turn black for awhile and either crash and restart or come back and give me an error saying my display driver stopped responding. This can happen while I'm still in the application or after. For example -Play Skyrim -Finish...
  13. G

    I put a new fan in my toshiba laptop and now it wont turn on.

    I put a new fan in my toshiba laptop and now it wont turn on. It will now power up for about two seconds, I hear the fan spin then it shuts down for good. What do I need to do? Please help!
  14. V

    Microsoft Office not working

    I upgraded to Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Office disappeared. How can I get it back?
  15. W

    what case for a htpc

    i am not sure of what case i want i also thinking of useing a m atx so that i can add in a raid card and maybe a extra nic card so that it will double the speeds small list of cases below fractal node 605 http://www.fractal-design.com/home/product/cases/node-series/node-605 fractal node 804...
  16. S

    Asus n750jk dead,black screen,unable to access bios,no boot

    Hi,sorry for my English. I bought anew asus n750jk. It came with no os. I put a DVD with windos 8. Entered a bios mode. And boot order was 1. Sandisk ssd 2. Machita DVD 3. Cd/DVD. I put a cd/dvd in the first place,then went to f10 button,save. Laptop resets itself and after that,completely...
  17. A

    CybertronPC, MSI, and CyberPowerPC

    Anyone had any experience with either of these 3? Im looking to find a gaming laptop for around 2 Grand, due to the fact the Asus laptop I had picked out got placed on back order and I dont feel like waiting around anymore. Ive found various models between all 3 of these that appear to have...
  18. B

    How much should I sell my laptop for?

    I've been looking into selling my laptop to put more money into a proper gaming PC. The problem is I have no clue what price to sell it at. Its In pretty good condition, with a few minor scratches on the back. Here is a link to the specs of my laptop...
  19. cb8539

    Which EVGA GTX 780ti should I buy?

    I am looking to replace my 2 GTX 670 FTW running sli with a GTX 780ti, but not sure which one to get. I play mmo's, some fps games, and watch movies on my computer. I would like to get one that will run my system on ultra settings with having to do little or no overclocking my self. Thanks in...
  20. S

    In low budget but i need to get a core i7

    i'm planning to assemble a pc and i want to buy a core i7 processor for it.it looks like after buying the processor i will not be having enough money to go for a good gaming motherboard.i want to know a cheap motherboard that can handle a i7 as i am in low budget. thankyou.
  21. G

    BGA1168 Cpu Upgrade

    Alright, so my laptop's cpu is an Intel Celereon 2995u. While that is fine for web browsing and such, I would like to be able to play some games as well. I notice that there are many Processors that use the same socket, but some seem to be a hell of a lot faster than what I have now. I would...
  22. Ferrariassassin

    Is the i5-3570 a good CPU?

    I am buying a i5-3570 and i am also buying a MSI Z77A-G41 LGA 1155 motherboard for it. Will these two components work well together? And also will this graphics card combined with the CPU and motherboard i am getting be enough to play Skyrim on Ultra settings and maybe even Battlefield 4? Here...
  23. J

    What alienware laptop should I buy for gaming?

    My brother is looking for an alienware laptop for gaming. He would like it to be able to play Watch Dogs on medium to high settings. His budget is anything less or around £1000 Which alienware laptop do you recommend?
  24. J

    Worried about my Motherboard temps

    I'm using a asus p7p55d le, and the motherboard when gaming can get to up to 70 degrees and i'm not sure if that's safe.
  25. N

    H80i (80 euro) Or h100i (100 euro)?

    Hello guys, i want to get a AIO liquid cooler , but wich one? The h80i And h100i from Corsair are both Very good coolers. I have a i5 4670K and i want to overclock. In this benchmark : http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/forum/hardware-canucks-reviews/59242-corsair-h80i-h100i-review-8.html there is...
  26. E

    Should I cancel this PSU?

    I just bought a TX 750 online but I regret because I only have one R9 280x. Should. I cancel it? I order it because of OC but the GS600 will be cheaper and handle my Pc. My pc is I5 4670k Z87m d3h Sapphire R9 280x I feel bad for canceling I haven't paid yet
  27. H

    graphics card for my pc under $100

    I have Intel i5 3450 @3.10ghz Ram 4gb Ddr3 Radeon Hd5450 2gb ddr3 Gigabyte H61m-ww Motherboard i want to upgrade my gpu for future games on high to ultra settings...plzz help
  28. O

    Please review my first build

    Here's what I have in mind so far. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3OjgF Feel free to make any recommendations that could improve it or simply just give your opinion on the current state of it. For those that don't want to click the link the details are provided below. CPU AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz...
  29. S

    Constant white noise in Realtek audio

    I have had this problem from the very beginning. My computer always has a white noise on all audio outputs from the motherboard (sound works otherwise). I have already tried the following and all of them made no difference: - tried included Realtek drivers, tried older Realtek drivers and...
  30. wolverine96

    Bluetooth dongle for Linux

    Do you know of any Bluetooth 4.0 dongles that work with Linux? I have been searching around on Newegg without success. I would like: Something small Bluetooth 4.0 USB 2.0 (USB 3.0 is not needed for Bluetooth) Hopefully black, but I really don't care I am using Linux Mint 16. Thanks in...
  31. S

    gtx 690 sli , 780 ti phantom sli or titan black sli

    Hello people, I currently have an Asus Nvidia GTX 690 which i was think about getting another one for sli set up. I will be building my windows 8.1 gaming pc soon and would like to use the fast boot feature of windows 8 which you need a uefi bios motherboard, hard drive, uefi vbios graphics...
  32. C

    Can't overclock past a certain point, is this as far as I can go?

    I'll make this quick. I have a liquid cooled AMD Athlon II 640 x4 3.0Ghz. For the past few months I've had it overclocked to 3.6Ghz. Which is fine, but everytime I go literally any higher I get something like 3 long beeps and it resets the BIOS. My motherboard is a ga-78lmt-usb3. I also...
  33. K

    Decent Budget Build?

    Hey, I was wondering if this build is an alright budget build, the budget being as close to $500 as possible: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($109.99 @ Newegg) Motherboard: ASRock 960GM/U3S3 FX Micro ATX AM3+...
  34. M

    Cannot Install League Of Legends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZ HELP

    Ok so i uninstalled LOL a little while ago to clean up some hard drive space, and recently i tried downloading the game again but after the installer is finished, and when i open the client its just frozen on the League Of Legends logo in the middle of the screen. i tried everything like...
  35. S

    USB drive Write Protected

    hi i cant fixed my problem, after doing all of this, i cant format my flash drive please provide me any other solution ?
  36. F

    Front audio jack feedback

    Never had this issue before. I have a Thermaltake Chaser A31 case for my system and after some additional cable management today the front audio jack has started to produce a massive constant feedback with really quiet audio. Nothing has really changed and I checked the lines going to the front...
  37. C

    290x and A8-6600k too much for 450w

    I'm in the process of trying to change out a video card and motherboard and keep getting "no signal." I tried it on VGA, HDMI, and DVI-D and none work. I tried on two monitors that had been tested and worked before. All the components work fine, except the motherboard and video card are new...
  38. W

    My PC Randomly Bluescreened... HELP!

    I have just finished building my own PC, and yesterday, I was on Skype and it randomly bluescreened, I thought nothing of it and moved on. However today, as I was shutting my system down, it occured again. Have I done anything wrong? Can you please give me some tips etc. Thanks Will
  39. jtpetch

    Is this $500 computer build good?

    Ok, so i've been doing some looking around, and i found this $500-ish computer build. I, with my limited knowledge of computer parts, think it is a hell of a deal for that price. I love the 6 core amd processor. But, i have a few questions about it. 1: I know it would put the price over $500...
  40. S

    Is this a good pc build for 2000$?

    I've been researching here and there, until I came up with this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3fLom I needed a monitor, headphone, speaker and keyboard so I can't make the perfect FPS for a 2000$ build :/ How much FPS will I get in Crysis and Battlefield 4? I want to play almost all games at...