
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Loading.
  1. C

    gtx 970 or 1060

    Which one should I buy they're about the same price Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 WF 3X OC 4GB or EVGA GeForce GTX1060 SC 6GB
  2. K

    Can we overclock our Ram and GPU, if our processor is not made for overclocking? [URGENT]

    Hello Guys, I am new to building PCs, overclocking and choosing pc parts. I know my question is silly (may be) but i really wanna know can we overclock our Ram and GPU, if our processor is not made for overclocking or without overclocking the processor?
  3. R

    USB connection from motherboard to case.

    Hi to all, my new computer is an assembled one designed by me and assembled by a store. My motherboard (Asus M5A97R2.0) has USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connections. My case has some USB 2.0 ports and some USB 3.0 ports. I'm afraid that the store has connected USB 3.0 ports of the case to USB 2.0...
  4. shivanthing

    Good < 130$ lga1150 mobo with wifi?

    Hello all. I'm infusing my old computer with a breath of fresh air since my old i7 is about to kick the bucket. Skylake is very expensive and much beyond my budget at the moment, so I've decided to grab an i5 4690k with a new motherboard. I was wondering if anyone knew of a decent motherboard...
  5. X-Gamers

    Has anyone used a power inverter to use for a desktop pc?

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2643 V3 3.4GHz 6-Core OEM/Tray Processor ($500.00) CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2643 V3 3.4GHz 6-Core OEM/Tray Processor ($500.00) Thermal Compound: ARCTIC MX4 20g Thermal Paste ($18.89 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: Asus Z10PE-D8 WS...
  6. V

    Does the processor i5 6500 contain integrated Intel Graphics?

    On Intel's website it says it has Intel HD Graphics 530. So will it give visual output if connected to a monitor even if there is no dedicated graphics connected to the motherboard?
  7. eXalted_0

    1366x768 on 15.6 inches laptop vs 1366x768 on Ultra HD 15.6 inches laptop

    So, yeah, the title says it. If you have two laptops with 15.6 inches displays - the first one one with max resolution 1366x768 and the second one with max resolution 1920x1080 UltraHD, and both of them are set to 1366x768 will there be a noticeable difference in the sharpness of the two?
  8. H

    an external graphic card

    i have intel i3 350m and want to make it playable upto battlefiedl 4 and so and i want graphic card that will do external help needed
  9. R

    Dell laptop reset

    Hello everyone, I've been trying to reset my laptop to factory settings and I searched up how to do it. I was following the steps to reset the laptop when I encountered a problem. First I start the laptop, then at the dell logo I press F8, then I enter the menu and I click 'Repair your...
  10. B

    Good Operating System?

    I have a a xps d333 with windows 98se installed. It has a 333mhz pentium 2 and 96mb ram. what's the best operating syatem to use. I like 98 and am conaidering a dualboot but I wont a more usuable Os for other uses. The pc wont be used as a main pc. Just for wordprocessing and internet browsing...
  11. T

    Can my laptop run Rust?

    Heyo I'm trying to figure out if my laptop can run the popular Steam game Rust. Specs: AMD A10-5750M CPU 2.5 GHz turbo to 3.5 GHz AMD Radeon HD 8650G GPU 6 GB DDR3 RAM 1366 x 768 resolution 15.6 inch Laptop Windows 8.1 64-bit 1 Terabyte SATA HDD Thanks guys!
  12. I

    What Graphics Card should I get?

    Hi, my PC specs are i5-2500k cpu (haven't overclocked it but willing to) asrock z77 extreme4-m motherboard 8 gig g skill ram corsair tx650m 650 watt psu I've had this build for about a year and a half and I want to get a graphics card for pc gaming. I want to spend somewhere between...