
Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Micron.
  1. Reynod

    Beer ... it can save your life

  2. L

    Has anyone gotten their OS Disk from Dell recently?

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?) Has anyone gotten their OS Disk from Dell recently? I'm not having much luck. I called yesterday and got some dude from India. Not a pleasant conversation at all. He insisted that their policy had changed in November and that they no...
  3. Pyree

    Palin not running for presidency.

    Ok, you may think, "Finally, Pyree is not putting up more news about an animal." Well, like the title says. Sarah Palin is not not running for presidency. I am not sure what this mean in terms of American politic. Maybe American forum users can enlighten me here. But I though she is not a very...
  4. G

    How do I determine my softpaq?

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq (More info?) Hi all, I read quite a few posts here and still haven't found an answer that I am searching for. So if this has been addressed, forgive me. I am trying to find the softpaq for a starter pc for my aunt. The pc has a 3gig hd, and I want...
  5. Jake_Barnes

    "Hidden Windows 7 Features Exposed" - PC World Article

    Hidden Windows 7 Features Exposed © PC World I found this funny: :)
  6. H

    nx5000 & Suse

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?) I bought a 2nd hand nx5000 with an XP Pro license. I would like to experiment with Suse however. Does someone know where I can buy an suse 9.1 license that some of these notebooks were equipped with? HP in the Netherlands didn't know...
  7. ITsonic

    Police to get major new powers to seize domains

    Thinq.co.uk November 27, 2010 James Loy, once the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, became the first administrator at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). He claims that, while necessary, the TSA is not exactly what was envisioned when it was created in the aftermath of the...
  8. G

    Built-in Microphone for D500 and 700m.. Do they exist?

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?) Been trying to configure Skype on my wife's (D500) and cousin's (700m) Dells. For the life of me I couldn't get the audio in to work. While I had no problem configuring my C400 for Skype. I am starting to wonder if the newer Dell laptops...
  9. T

    Best graphics card for dell inspiron 530s

    i am looking to buy a better graphic card . i currently have ati radeos hd 3445 256 mb i have core 2 duo 2.66 and 2.67GHz 3gb ram 64 bit windows 7 i think my psu is 300 W but im not sure please give me some suggestions
  10. R

    No Support

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 (More info?) Wondering if someone can answer a simple question for me? I just purchased a new 7200XL system with all the bells and whistles and found that the FPD1940 monitor did not have a DVI cable when it arrived. I called Gateway support...
  11. musical marv

    Romney and his tax reports

    Should Romney release more than 2 years of his taxes to the public to see what really is going on with him?
  12. G

    P4C800-E - Can't get S3 Standby to work?

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus (More info?) Hi, I have been testing out allot of the functions on the P4C800-E deluxe, and on the whole its a nice board. However I can't get it to *resume* from S3 standby?. It goes to sleep nicely, the LED flashes onn/off on my case...
  13. G

    Screen Resolution

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) System: Pentium P4 2.8GH CPU, 200 GB HD, 512 RAM running XP Home Ed. Since installation of Home Ed with Service Pack 2 there have been no problems with this computer I decided to change the monitor resolution to make...
  14. G

    Memory not recognised Pavilion 6715FR

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?) Hi, I can't seem to add memory to my PC, I'm trying to add 256K to my HP Pavilion 6715 model, but it doesn't recognise it. I'm using a Samsung SDRAM, 100MHz, but have also previously tied other manufacturers without success. The PC...
  15. H

    Question Epson printer offline on mac osx 10.8.1

    All of a sudden, my Epson printer will not print on my MAC, Can't find a solution in help to get the printer to print online
  16. P

    Info needed for Dell Dimension 4100

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?) Hello. I am looking for a technical diagram/drawing for the motherboard of my Dell Dimension 4100. I am attempting to move it to a different case, and the pins where you plug in the power button, hdd light, power light (etc) aren't...
  17. S

    [SOLVED] Transfer downloaded software to another computer

    Hello, is there a way to download mac software to a windows computer and then transfer it to my imac? i dont have internet at home where my imac is
  18. G

    Technical Support Chat a farce

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?) I'm washing my hands of HP from now on. I just got off of an on-line chat with a tech-support person who ignored three requests for someone more knowledgable. I've been trying to install a driver for a psc1350 (currently connected to a...
  19. M

    [SOLVED] Late 2007 MacBook pro startup issue

    Hello, I am having some trouble getting my Mac to start up. I keep getting the "restart your Mac" screen even when I try starting up from the install disc, so I can't even run the disc utility. I tried clearing the ram with the cmd-option-p-r command but to no avail. I have run the apple...
  20. M

    Slide show

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?) I have pictures on a CD. I would like to show them as a slide show. How do I do this in XP?
  21. K

    Problem with dual channel on p4p800 Asus mobo

    Does anyone know what could be the problem here? Incompatibility? mobo defect? I have 2 azenram 512meg pc2700 chips of ram. I have the Asus p4p800 motherboard. I put the ram in the two blue slot as recommended in the user manual of asus and it still says single channel or virtual single...
  22. G

    Diagnostic programs 2004 - 2002, SolarWinds 2002 Broadband..

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) Diagnostic programs 2004 - 2002, SolarWinds 2002 Broadband Engineer's Edition, SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor, other ! SolarWinds 2002 Broadband Engineer's Edition v5.5 SolarWinds Orion Network Performance...
  23. T

    800Mhz or 1066Mhz DDRII for Intel Q9450?

    Have a question. Building a machine for Q9450 (till february will have E6750). I will not OC the machine, just want pure stability and quality of all the components. Now, my question is: Q9450 has 1333fsb, what DDRII memory should fit here, 800Mhz or 1066Mhz? (I will not OC) Mobo will be...
  24. G

    INSPIRON 8000 - Nobootable services

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?) I have run out of warranty on this DELL 8000 INSPIROn (and they wont extend it). I have this major problem. When you power- 'Primary hard Disk Drive not found- Fixed Optical Drive not found- No bootable devices- strike F1 to retry boot-...
  25. F

    GPU question and possibly asking for recomendations?

    Hey guys, I just recently bought myself a new gaming pc, was a bit of trouble to start with but it's fine now Unfortunately, I'm not really satisfied with the graphics card(PNY Geforce 210 512MB) This is an older motherboard style(DDR2) but the graphics card is PCI-E so it runs fine, just a...
  26. G

    trip to hell after bios update

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.packardbell (More info?) I updated my bios on my A950-Twr computer so i could use the computer but a new and more annoying problem has arisen. We had to format the drive and reinstall windows 98. Now it can't find the cd drive, the ps/2 mouse will not...
  27. O

    How to logout from hotmail account on windows 8?

    I am using a laptop which came from a customer for repair...I was using for few months ... now I want to give it back. I was using my Hotmail account on this for downloading apps from windows store...so when giving it back...before that I want to signout from hotmail and want to delete any...
  28. G

    Video Card less Then 6.25 Inches

    Ok i have a problem i wanna upgrade my video card but there is a small heat sink that would be in the way of using a video card less then 6.25inches Trying to Upgrade so i can run Arma 2 on a higher setting and increase FPS. My Current GPU is a Gefore GT430 and 300W PSU Genuine Windows 7 Home...
  29. L

    Brand New XP2600+, Ti4200 why only ~7700 3Dmark?

    I just built a new computer with the system specs: Epox 8DRA+ AMD 2600+ 512 Crucial 2.5 DDR333 MSI Geforce Ti4200 128mb 8x WD 80gig 8mb Hard drive I was running benchmarks on the computer using SiSoftware and everything seemed to be running up to speed. Then I run 3DMark 2001 SE. The numbers...
  30. R

    Encoding speed: Athlon vs. Intel

    I've been doing a lot of video editing, converting AVI's to MPEG and recording DVD's, etc. It normally takes the computer around 4 hours to encode a 1 hour AVI file to MPEG quality. A friend of mine said that Intel processors are a lot faster with this type of work, compared to the Athlon. Is...
  31. W

    Tbred B question

    As i understand it, Tbred "B" procesors run the coolest correct? Alright, my friend isnt planning on overclocking it, but I suppose he should get a Tbred "B" nevertheless. Id rather that handling (friend's handling that is) is kept to a minimum, so in order to gurantee that he get's a "B"...
  32. D

    Abit KR7A-RAID / KR7A133-RAID help please.

    What's the difference between KR7A-RAID and KR7A133-RAID? I know that the KR7A133-RAID is the newer version. Is there a big difference between these 2 boards? I ordered a KR7A133-RAID last week at jcshopper.com, but they gave me a KR7A-RAID. Should I exchange it with the KR7A133-RAID? They are...
  33. LordWolf

    X16 vs dual x8?

    Already looking at this page: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/pcie-geforce-gtx-480-x16-x8-x4,2696-3.html Now to be direct. What is the difference? Is it the amount of 'bandwidth' available to each card? Unless I'm told otherwise, I'm going to presume it is and ask this: Using multiple...
  34. 9-inch


    A nice notebook from Acer which uses a Turion ML-36 processor. check it out here: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/mobile/display/acer-ferrari-4005wlmi.html
  35. E

    Bad Memory?!?!

    I have just replaced my memory with some new memory unfortunatly my computer no longer boots up to the OS it just goes to the memory test then freezes after a couple of time of that, i replace the new memory with the old memory that had worked fine and still had the same problem would someone...
  36. Zedoth

    Need some help with choosing a mechanical Keyboard

    So I am planning to upgrade both my mouse and keyboard after staying with my old LG set for a couple of years now :( Right now I'm either thinking of getting a Corsair k90 and M60 or the Gigabyte Osmium and Krypton mouse. Just by the looks and brands I would definitely get the Corsair set but...
  37. T

    My toshiba doese not want to start

    Hello, how can i fix my laptop it does not want to start just saying automatic repair?
  38. U

    23-24" monitor for development and gaming

    Hello, I'm having quite a tough time deciding a monitor for my new build. I want a 23" to 24" display for Photoshop and coding for my games development and also for mid to heavy gaming. I've been browsing sites for days and found Dell's UltraSharp U2412M a nice monitor, cause it has a 16:10...
  39. A

    Fax modem is not detected on serial port com1

    serial modem US robatics 5686G is not detected on windows server on serial port com1. i tried to restart the server . turn the modem on and off disable the com1 port reenable it again . update the firmware of modem on different workstation and connect it back to server ( couse it's working on...
  40. S

    Building a gaming PC - 120hz/60hz/tn/ips Question

    Hi everybody, new here! I posted a question about SSD's in the SSD section and I have another one about displays so I'll post it here I'm building a PC, mainly for gaming - though I will also be using it to surf the web, watch stuff, listen to music, download and read etc. I am a tab addict...