
Forum discussion tagged with #mouse.
  1. LuckyHood

    Question Superlight 2 vs Asus Rog Keris II Ace

    Hey, guys. I bought myself a Superlight 1 a couple of days ago and I was amazed about how it feels and how well I can play with it, but I returned it the next day as I was worried about the mechanical buttons and it was a little small for my hands giving me some small finger cramps after hours...
  2. A

    Question Gamig mouse for low sens

    Hello. I'm looking for a new mouse. The only reason is that i can only play decent with low sens. (i play csgo at 0.60). My current mouse(a cheap gxt mouse) is uncapable of providing a smooth experience. If a do a flick longer than 5-10 cm or if i move it too fast the cursor goes crazy and...
  3. kcaayush2158

    [SOLVED] Keyboard and mouse is not working on startup and bios

    I was trying to boot a computer last night and i remember that i went to recovery option by holding the shift key and click restart button . When i choose the booting option menu on the recovery option suddenly my keyboard and mouse didn't work. So i switched off the computer and turn it again...
  4. Wiggly24

    [SOLVED] Mouse sensitivity changes by itself.

    When I move my mouse quickly, the sensitivity changes entirely until I set the dpi to something else and change it back. So for example, my regular dpi will be 1500, and when I move my mouse quickly, it changes to something far over 1500 dpi. I don't know why, and it is super annoying when it...
  5. D

    Question windows 10 mouse input delay issue

    I play Fortnite competitively and recently after factory resetting pc for another issue, I have had an issue where my mouse has tons of input delay/latency on it making it very hard to aim. For some reason, it feels like the mouse feels less laggy when I just restart my pc but within 5-10...
  6. D

    [SOLVED] Input delay makes my game unplayable

    Recently, after i factory reset my pc, ive been having lots of issues with input delay/lag which is making my games unplayable. im up to date on my windows and driver updates and i have optimized my nvidia control panel and switched my power mode to performance. but for some reason i still have...
  7. Benedict R

    Question Mouse and keyboard is malfunctioning when playing League of Legends

    Hey guys! I was wondering if someone could help me with my problem. Well my problem is that when I play League of Legends my mouse and keyboard keeps malfunctioning, both keeps stopping and working again and again, it happens throughout the whole game and it is really irritating. Can someone...
  8. J

    Question My Peripherals wont work

    Hello there I recently upgraded my PC GPU to a MSI GTX 970 from what i believe was a GT 440 (Model No.P1062-000B) or a gt 660). Anyways i removed my old gpu and installed the new gpu and connected it to the psu using the connectors. However when i tried booting it, the peripherals in all the...