MSN Messenger

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with MSN Messenger.
  1. G

    How to monitor network share moves/deletes

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system (More info?) We need to be able to go back in time and see who moved/deleted particular files & folders on network shares. Anybody have product recommendations? thanks, gl
  2. G

    Duplicate PTR records

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?) Hello, I am ending up with duplicate PTR records on my DNS servers (AD Integrated). I have Dynamic DNS set with the DHCP server to create the A and PTR records. I'm seeing current PTR records in the Reverse Lookup zones, but...
  3. K


    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup_deployment (More info?) I set a new Win2K server. At the time of installation I only created one partition of full hard drive. Now I want to create a second partition. Is it possible with windows? Or using software like Partition Magic has...
  4. G

    File Security

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I want to be able to set permissions on a file so that the user can execute it but not open and read it, its a batch file. Is this possible, ive tried just giving execute, and its not working, im guessing because they cant...
  5. G

    Special characters...

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.misc (More info?) Some time now (maybe the last year or so) I have a problem when being in a TerminalServer session to type special characters. The characters are especially \ { } [ ] $ - sometimes I manage to use them but...
  6. G

    Slow Roaming Profile Over WAN

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?) Here's the situation: My users all have roaming profiles because many/most do not have a computer or desk. They just sit anywhere there's a PC and thus the roaming profile is a terrific technology for me. But... We...
  7. S

    disable remote dtop/2003 device sharing per user ?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client (More info?) Hi, Using remote desktop to connect to a 2003 terminal server allows the users to display local devices on the 2003 server desktop i.e local drives + printers etc... Is it possible to disable this feature on...
  8. R

    opportunistic file locking

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) Hi all I have a windows 2000 server with a long history of random saying files are in use when they clearly are not.. i believe this is an issue related to opportunistic file locking. we have tried to disable offline file...
  9. S

    windows cannot load your profile ?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) when attempting to login to a windows 2000 member server using rdp client to terminal services im getting the msg: "windows cannot load your profile. please increase registry size and restart the computer" if admin user...
  10. G

    PKI on Microsoft Virtual Server

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I've recently installed a PKI with a root heirachy. My question is the RootCA and the SubordinateCA are doing very little work and it seems a waste of two good servers, will MS support hosting you Certificate Authorities in...
  11. G

    3rd Party Firewalls on Domain Controllers.

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory (More info?) I've been looking into the features of the firewall now included with W2K3 sp1 and while I think its great MS is now including a firewall on it's server software. I'm not sure their 'first iteration' firewall has a...
  12. G

    Can't download mesenger installer

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) After the 'blue bar' finish running to the end..a red cross appears, and the installation popup doenst show. i'm on win200 IE 6.0 i have all the requirement.. this is the first time something cant be downloaded..
  13. M

    How can you to tell where groups (or users) have permissio..

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system (More info?) How can you find where a domain local group has been assigned to what directories? For example we have a domain local group name DLG_Admin, is there a utility that can be run to show where that group has been assigned...
  14. D

    Explorer Mouse incapsulation outline error

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) Not a serious problem and there is most likely a simple answer. The Mouse trail on the desktop is painted for a random and distance and at some random point ceases to work on that encapsulation, and the dotted rectangle remains...
  15. G

    GPO on Terminal Server

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?) Hi, I have applied a GP on a new OU and placed a terminal server oject in the OU. The domain is a Windows 2000 domain and the terminal server is a member server running 2003. The goal is to only affect users who are...
  16. G

    Cannot install driver for Epson 750 printer

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) I can install the status monitor, but the driver install (v5.0BE) doesn't work. Any suggestions most welcome. Regards Gary
  17. G

    Installing RAID on already running Win2003 server?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) I have 1 SATA drive that is partitioned. I have the ability to run RAID, and unfortunately I didn't set it up when I installed Win2003 server. I added the 2nd SATA drive, and now want to install the RAID driver and add the...
  18. D

    RPC service, how to make sure it's up to date

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hi, Win 2kPro, sps 0, 4 and 5 (but no sp3 shows in the registry). Latest avast! prog. I know nothing about RPC. My RPC sometimes doesn't start, so avast! av has a problem scanning properly. How can I make sure I should...
  19. S

    Urgent help needed installing modem in Windows NT

    Hi! I really need your help guys. I have a Windows NT 4 pc at my job and somehow the modem went dead on us. We bought another external modem but it doesnt work either. We bought a USRootics one and installed it. The USRobotic Control Center detects the modem but we cant configure it in any of...
  20. J

    Remove mapped network drives

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?) When I setup my default image for all my Windows 2000 and XP computers I forgot to disconnect all the network drives before I finalized the "Default Users" profile. Since then I have switched a couple of drive mapping...
  21. G

    2000 PRO DLLs for kernel

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?) DELL OptiPlex with an attitude. Seemingly, I've corrupted one of my boot files. boot.ini, ntoskrnl and hal.dll. Don't know if there is a virus that destroys those things or not. I've tried all the knowledge base...
  22. G

    User permisions

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup (More info?) Hi everyone, I am faced with the following challenge and would really appreciate if you could help or point me in the right direction. We have two computer running Win 2000 Pro. We would like to give a public access to...
  23. G

    Administrators Account cannot install updates and programs..

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general,microsoft.public.win2000.registry, (More info?) Hi, A friend has an account (member of group Administrators) but cannot install Windows updates or programs. They abort with message "errors occured, will be...
  24. T

    group policy still applied after removed

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?) I have a pc that is still getting a gpo applied even after deeleting the GPO and even the OU. I can only log in to the pc as a local admin. I am not able to run any commands as a regular when logged into the domain like...
  25. P

    how to implement multi-IP address, or multi-interface, or ..

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.networking,microsoft.public.windowsnt.protocol.tcpip (More info?) I have only one network adapter, and need to access 2 networks in LAN at the same time using Windows XP professional. Their IDs look like this 192.168.0.x( and...
  26. G


    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup (More info?) I get this after trying to do an install with Win2k Pro. It doesn't seem to see the files that it just installed to the hard drive when doing the first reboot. My CMOS settings are correct - in that I have it boot from the CD...
  27. G

    Infinite Cache Login

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hi, I have a number of Windows 2000 Professional and XP laptops in the field. For one XP machine I had to set Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Optins\Number of previous...
  28. J

    Backup Device

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?) Hi Could someone please recommend an external backup device? I am thinking on the lines of a dvd writer perhaps from sony or hp. What software can I use for backup? Thanks Regards
  29. G

    Windows 2000 Domain

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory (More info?) I have a windows 2000 domain that has an exchange 2000 server. I want to add another Domain Controller running Windows 2003 But I need to extend the schema. I have been reading all these side effects that Microsoft...
  30. G

    Log on

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup (More info?) I have just installed a wireless router with an adsl modem on my desktop at home. now when I turn it on it win2k asks me for a password. Is there a simple way to get rid of the password request?
  31. G

    User Accounts Static IP address

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory (More info?) In the Dial-in settings for a user account, why is it that I can assign a static IP address if the account is a local account, but not if the account is a domain account? How do you give static IP addresses to a...
  32. G

    Group Policy-Security

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?) On my company laptop it has a corporate image so I am restricted despite having local admin rights from changing the group policy settings for password aging, remembering same passwords etc. I am no longer on a domain...
  33. G

    How do I make windows use c:i386 instead of the CD?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?) Hi All: When Windows needs to make certain changes, it asks for the win2kpro cd, and /or the service pack cd. I want it to get this from the local hard drive. I have installed win2k from a bootable cd with service pack 4...
  34. G

    Where I can store my password on Win 2k?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hi, In Windows 2000 operating system, where I can store the data secured? For Example I want to store the password information for one of my application. Using win32 cryptography API I have encrypted my password. After the...
  35. G

    DNS Zone query

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?) Hi I wounder if you can help me I am setting up a test 2003 envirionent with FRD called Global and child domain called Mycompany global has a DC called fr1 has a DC called DC1 fr1 has a copy of dc1's zone and...
  36. G

    Failure of Win API LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo(..) on a WinN..

    Archived from groups: (More info?) We have a trust relationship set up between domain servers Win 2003 and WinNT PDC(SP4) machine. We have verified that an NT user could log on to a Win2k3 domain and vice-versa indicating mixed domain trust was successfully...
  37. D

    Dumb Question i know.

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory (More info?) I am studying for an exam and have no experience of AD, am confused with regards to Global catalogue. Books state that "AD automatically builds the first GC on the first DC in the Forest ?? at what point does a...
  38. M

    Setting the local admin password

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory (More info?) Can I use a group policy to set the local administrator password on my workstations? If so how? Marty
  39. G

    Web Application User Credentials

    Archived from groups:,microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory, (More info?) We are in the early planning stage of a new web (ASP.NET) application, are currently determining the best strategy for...
  40. G

    Annoying message

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.advanced_server (More info?) My event viewer keeps on telling me: The Realtek RTL8139 based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter NT Driver service failed to start due to the following error: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or...