
Forum discussion tagged with newcpu.
  1. mixych

    Question My pc freezes after 2 minutes of games after i installed my new cpu,

    , my specs are 1050ti, amd fx 9370 (upgraded from a 4300) 16gb ram, I have a water cooler and it runs at about 30° so its not overheating i feel like it could be my hdd as that runs at less that 3mb/s but if its not that i dont know why Its only after playing games for 2 mins then it just...
  2. Dragoon30784

    [SOLVED] New CPU - No Display

    I recently upgraded to a new CPU. Now the GPU does not work (probably needs a driver), but the integrated graphics doesn't work either. Mobo: ASRock A320m-HDV Old CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 2300x New CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x GPU: Radeon something- or- other (can't remember and currently can't turn on the...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] Best CPU for upgrade

    Hi all. What's the best CPU to upgrade to from an Intel i5 7500? I'm not looking for anything over the top but decent enough I won't have to worry about the temperature of performance. PC specs available on request.
  4. S

    [SOLVED] New PC Rig (Design work+Motion design+Music production) - are these good to go?

    Hi All, Decided on below ones for Design work+Motion design+Music production, but need suggestions on: Questions: Which model of Noctua is recommended? As i don't want to go for a liquid cooler for processor! How about: Noctua NH-D15 6...