no led

Forum discussion tagged with no led.
  1. shaller

    Question Motherboard without a sign of life as soon as i install my cpu. Is my 900$ cpu dead? (again)

    Hey there so guess i start with my specs and than explain whats happening to me the past couple of days. Mobo/ Msi mag b650m CPU/ Amd ryzen 7 7950x Ram/ Corsair Vengeance 32gb A few days ago my Pc randomly crashed after opening my browser and remained to be dead till now. Ive invested quiet a...
  2. Barty1884

    Question Likely dead motherboard, second opinion?

    Hi all, Picked up an ASUS Z370-I, i5-8400 combo today (with a couple coolers - L9i and a Shuriken 2). Seller informed me the board one day just stopped posting. He took it to MemEx, but all they did was put another CPU in and the issue persists & sold him a whole new setup. My...
  3. Francis SM

    Question Laptop New RAM and SSD have fried 2 MOBOs in a row?!?!? Can't get any power.

    Hello everyone, 2nd time posting here, I am very desperate. Been looking for a solution for a while now. I was given an old ES1-521-48YQ Acer laptop not so long ago. I bought a new SSD and new RAM for it. I have had quite some challenge with it. After a few attempts at installing the SSD and...
  4. Ben_L

    [SOLVED] z170a wont post anymore

    I went to install windows on a blank pc that had booted and worked fine in the past and it would not boot. I have since removed everything but the cpu and one stick of ram. I've tried both sticks of ram one at at time in most of the ram slots. the power led lights up when i plug it in and the...
  5. Y

    Question Gtx 1070ti Problems

    Hello! I'm a tech heavy kinda person but clueless when it comes to GPU's. My friend gave me his 1070ti when he bought a whole new pc and I plugged it in, Image was fine, games ran perfectly fine but no fans spinning and no LED's working on the plate. I reseated it, reconnected wires, redid...
  6. D

    Question MSI Z390 Gaming Edge No Display After Restart

    I am having a weird problem. I just build my new PC with the following parts: MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Edge AC Intel i5-9600K Processor Corsair 16 GB Vengeance RGB Pro CX750M PSU WD500 SSD WD1000 HDD It started up fine and I installed WIndows 10 Pro and restarted a couple times. Then after...