not booting sometimes

Forum discussion tagged with not booting sometimes.
  1. E

    Question PSU got weak?

    Hi, I got a problem and I think it is caused by PSU When I turn on my PC for the first time in a day, it works completely fine, but when i shut it down and turn it on again it shows a bios error screen (Unknown BIOS Error. Error Code = FC00 Press F1 to Resume). So i press F1 and Windows logo...
  2. Arctical

    [SOLVED] PC will not boot every other time.

    A few months ago I built a custom PC. If the PC boots, everything runs fine, and there are no problems. The thing is that every other time when I boot the PC, the screen will not be recognized. Sometimes I first see the bios bootscreen (sometimes even the windows boot screen), but after a few...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] System randomly turns on or not working properly ?

    I got PC with: Gigabyte Z390 UD motherboard, i7-8700 3.20Gz processor, 8GB ADATA 2667MHz Ram, Gigabyte GTX 1060-G1 GPU. The Problem is PC not getting on sometimes. When i got this PC for the first time I just turned it on, Fans are on but no display. So i Remove and re-pluged the RAM and...

    Question Memory not working and not booting

    So i bought a used PC with an Intel HW 61 mobo, and it had 2x4GB sticks of memory. Specs: -Intel HW61 -GTX 950 -DDR3 2x4GB 1333Mhz -i5 3570 So i wanted to buy 16GB of RAM (2x8GB) But I ended up buying 1 stick of 8GB. So for a while I used 12GB and it worked out fine till someday my computer...
  5. ryvan10

    [SOLVED] PC won't boot sometimes

    Lately ive been having an issue where my pc wont turn on sometimes when hitting the power button. The motherboard lights turn on, the ethernet indicator flashes but the power supply makes a quiet clicking static noise and doesnt turn the system on, no fans or anything. Then when i flick the...