
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with pixels.
  1. W

    Will my 280x be bottlenecked?

    I just purchased a "lightly" used Gigabyte 280x graphics card. From the looks of his other Amazon.com items, it seems as though he intended to mine, but never got around to it. I have an old i7 920, overclocked to 3.3 ghz. The motherboard has SATA 2, and PCI-E 2.0 x16. I'm running 12 gb of ram...
  2. P

    swapped hard drives in laptop

    I have an acer aspire 5732z had windows 7 home with fried hard drive, (never bothered to get replacement as i didnt have disks) anyway I also have an HP laptop with a fried mobo due to heat sink overheat with a good hard drive also windows 7 home operating system, what do i need in order to get...
  3. Pcbuilder123

    Is the arctic alpine 64 gt rev 2.0 good?

    Hi! I am upgrading my pc in prepration for a new graphics card and want a new cpu cooler. I was looking at this one:http://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-Alpine-Rev-CPU-Cooler/dp/B001A5V1K2/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top, and I was wondering whether it is worth it? I don't plan on overclocking too much...
  4. G

    770 or 780

    Is it worth spending the extra $180 (US) to upgrade from a gtx 770 to a 780? Update: Using this desktop for gaming at 1080p, so would it be worth "future-proofing" and getting the 780 or saving my money and getting the 770. Sorry for not making my question clear. The 770 is able to play modern...
  5. T

    Will a 750 w power supply be sufficient or should I consider 850 w

    http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Tlgriffith/saved/3jXr Title says it all. Would rather ask for real hand experience then go by the estimated wattage pcpartpicker posts. Thanks