
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with pls.
  1. celtic_warrior99

    HD 4400 vs HD 7670M

    Hi, the title says it all. WHich of the two is better? The HD 4400 is in my desktop but the HD 7670M is in my laptop. Which is better for gaming? Thanks all :)
  2. J

    2500k p8z67 digi+ vrm settings @4.2mhz 1,22v?

    So i have my 2500k with asus p8z67 currently running at 4.2mhz with 1,22v, because i dont need it to be faster. The thing is, when i did the overlcock i didnt know much about pcs, so i followed a step by step guide, and these are the values i used for the digi+ vrm settings: Load-line...
  3. S

    [Solved]Advise on $1K PC

    Primary use: MMOs (WoW,Final Fatasy14, etc), I may try for some server firsts in the future. Goal: Consistent 120 FPS @low settings, resolution: 1080p, w/lowest input lag being a priority (keyboard/monitor signals). Sleep will be lost over 1ms increases. Max Budget: $1000, lower is a plus Some...
  4. V

    Zotac GTX 660

    Hi. I am currently using a Zotac GTX 660 Graphics Card. I was just wondering can I use the Zotac 660 GTX synergy edition with the said card in SLI configuration? My card has dual fans and the synergy card comes with one fan, the rest of the configuration is the same. Thanks in advance
  5. J

    PC: No HDD light, no video display and won't turn off via power button

    Around 3 weeks ago, I plugged my PC in at night and set everything up after having it disconnected for a few hours due to moving stuff around the house. I've always had a dodgy adapter, but it was working and lights on so I thought it was fine. I played a few games with my friends that night...
  6. F

    can i run bf4

    lenovo z5070 my specs i7 4510U dual core nvidia gt 840m 4gb 8 gb ram 1 tb hdd
  7. G

    R9 280X vs R9 7950

    Diamond Radeon R9 280X 3GB: $260 Sapphire Radeon 7950: $209 Which should I buy? The GTX 770 is not an option because it is $40-50 more and 1GB less VRAM. I will be gaming on a single 1080p 60Hz monitor.