I am currently trying to find the issue in my new pc not being able to Power On not Post.
Before I assemble in case I like to assemble out to ensure all components are working. I have had major issues over the last week not being able to power on the motherboard by jump starting. I have been in...
My pc has been working fine for the last 4 months. Yesterday I knocked it and it turned off, when I went to boot up again nothing would get displayed yet my fans and mobo leds were all working fine. Tried a few different things then my pc turned on with a blue screen error then went off again...
My computer used to have cooling issues, which would cause it to automatically shut down. I replaced the fan based system with a water cooler and the temps dropped drastically, as expected. However, now my computer simply freezes during games or intensive software like game development (Unreal)...
I've been having these automatic random shutdowns for the past weeks, and I cant figure out what's causing the issue.
I have this GB GTX 960 and a generic power supply, I know that computers today has the automatic shutdown feature when it detects a alarming temperature,
but my PC sometimes...
Hey Guys,
So my friend has been having issues with his rig recently. He is a youtuber who creates a lot of game play videos and also occasionally streams to twitch. He has had a plethora of issues with his rig. The first being a failing 4790k (messing up with the encoder), which I replaced with...
I want to build my own game PC but I don't know if I have the right components to be worth it.
the components I thought I would get are:
i7 4790K
asus z97 Pro Gamer
msi gtx 980
16 GB Ram
samsung evo 850 120GB
Thermaltake Commander ms-i
Cooler Master V Series V850
Cooler Master Hyper 212...
Hi, I have X54H laptop (B960, HD7470M, W7x64 professional) When I start battlefield it takes a long time to load (around 3min). In that time both CPU and HDD are inactive. Also it takes long to connect to a server. Other laptops in LAN it have a much faster. Problem retains in some other games.
Ok I got this GPU for free from my boss http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150320R
So far it hasn't let me down yet, but when he gave it to me it did not come with any cords. I am not planning on running dual graphics but out of my desire to know every piece of knowledge...
Hi, i have ordered a new motherboard and processor to upgrade my old ones. I currently have a Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P and an AMD FX 4100, these will be replaced by a Asus M5A99X EVO R2.0 990X Socket and an AMD FX 8350. I do however wish to keep my old hard drive with win 7 64bit on, I have...