r9 390x

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with r9 390x.
  1. IceBergs

    AMD 970 Gaming MOBO shorting Audio?

    Hi, I have had the 970 gaming for about 3 months. I play mostly Overwatch CSGO and MGSV. I have a audio problem with my MOBO. Let me start from the start. So I have a really quirky audio issue when ever I use the Blue Yeti. Yes I know you may be thinking to yourself OH it's the windows or a yeti...
  2. P

    Help to finish build

    This is were i got at this momment. Msi z170a Pro Gaming i5 6600k Corsair 2x8gb 3200mhz Water Cooling Master Nepton 120 RX 480 (if the benchmarks are good) Maybe a 6600 will be better and I cant take off the watercooling.
  3. F

    lost built in webcam driver

    how can I restore a built in webcam window 7 samsung
  4. F

    Is this Gaming PC okay?

    So I'm browsing this prebuilt gaming PC and wanted opinions as I'll be playing games like The Sims 3, The Isle and Mincraft. CPU: Intel I7 4790 3.6GHz Ram: 16GB Motherboard: ASUS H81M plus Graphics Card: NVidia GTX960 4GB 1TB HDD SATA III Would you pay £714 for this and will it run games on...
  5. MontyInHD

    PC Case for my new build

    So I'm building a new build for the awesome looking 1080 launching in only a few days time, but I'm really stuck on just one part....the case. I've been looking throughout the internet at the NZXT H440 or S340, the Phantex P400S and a few other cases. With a budget of £95 I'm really looking...
  6. A

    System and Compressed Memory using up 16gb of ram

    My buddy was playing tera last night when his network went down and since than his system and compresstion process has been using 98% of his ram even after restarts and even let it sit for 3hours. What are some troubleshooting and resolves we can do this is a high end pc from falcon northwest. I...
  7. M

    Laptop for CS;GO + more

    Hi everyone! I currently have a gaming PC that I built for around $500 and runs CS;GO and Minecraft amazingly, at around 200 fps. I was looking for some help with finding a laptop that could achieve a minimum of 80 fps on low settings while in a Skype call/team speak? I have around $1000 to...
  8. Dalton Scarbrough

    New PC Build Keeps Turning on and off

    So as me and my dad were building my new pc we put in a cpu fan and he accidently scratched the back off the cpu. everything turns on lights up but 3 seconds later it turns off here's the build PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core...
  9. C

    Avexir RAM for gaming

    I have a 4690k and I need some RAM for gaming. I wanna stay as low price as I can. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820011004&cm_re=8gb-_-20-011-004-_-Product This stick is black and red, ddr3, and is 1600mhz which is all great for me. The problem is it's CL11 and it doesn't...
  10. A

    What needs upgrading in my PC?

    Hello, I'm wondering what is the next upgrade I should do for my PC, because something is wrong. My PC : GTX 970 Asus Strix OC'd edition X4 760K OC'd 4.2GHz DDR3 1600Mhz 6GB (1x4GB 1x2GB) MSI 2AE0 EVGA 500W My problem, It seems as if I have VSync on, on every single game (I don't). It just...
  11. C

    i need a multitasker (gaming/youtube)

    i need a pc that can run most games at 60fps while recording for youtube. Ill be running dual monitors on this pc as well. I want this pc to be able to render videos quickly if possible and to multi task with the dual monitors. I am wanting to keep it at around 1000 dollars. Im 16 and ready to...
  12. H

    is this pc build good?

    I want to build a mid rang PC that can surf the web and play some games and i want to be cheap. I know the hardware is a tad old but i don't care for I'm not a hardcore gamer. heres the link to my build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3rxy23 . also i almost forgot did i make a good decision for the...
  13. J

    Nvidia gtx 780M sudden fps drop for just 2-5 seconds

    Im always having a sudden fps drop for 2-5 seconds (its like the screen will freeze) in ANY games that i played. I know im using the nvidia graphics card when im playing instead of intel graphics card.I think its not also because of the temperature cuz its cold here and I am using fan...