ram speeds

Forum discussion tagged with ram speeds.
  1. M

    [SOLVED] 2x2 questions about RAM

    Hi, I have 2x2 questions about RAM that I can't find answers to.... 1a) If a MoBo supports RAMs of 3600MHz via overclocking, but the CPU only supports RAM speeds of up to 3200 MHz, is it even worth overclocking the RAM anymore? I mean, will the CPU not hinder the use of overclocking? 1b)...
  2. A

    Question RAM speed confusion..

    Hi, I've recently discovered the XMP/DOCP function when researching how to overclock ram (Or just have it run at the speed it said it could on the box)! I'm currently use Corsair Vengeance LPX, DDR4, 3000mhz and am using it in all 4 channels, so 32gb (4 x sticks of 8) and they're two separate...
  3. F

    [SOLVED] bottlenck

    Main question....Will my ram speed bottlenck my computer? Hi gys, thanks in advance for any insight into my question. I am about to do a new build with the 3080. I am planning on buying a new cpu, either 3900x or 4th gen 4700. around that area. My mobo is currently the b450-f, but am...
  4. bobjackieson

    [SOLVED] Ram compatible?

    https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B083TSJ8NJ/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_5XBxEbRSZGTPG https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XJ68LK5/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_wwCxEb8GDD8SH GIGABYTE B450M DS3H RYZEN 5 1600AF SAPPHIRE NITRO 580 4GB
  5. T

    [SOLVED] PC sometimes shuts off immediately aftern turning on

    Hey guys, so I have a little problem with my PC. Sometimes, after I turned my PC on, it goes off a few seconds after but then restarts normally. This just happens sometimes, not every time. The first time I had such an issue was after I overclocked my RAM speed in Ryzen Master. First, I made it...
  6. A

    Specifics in Terms of a UPS- 600 Watt System + 32" LCD

    Hi all, I have been scouring the forums and pretty much all the online sources but the tips given are varying far and Wide so i just thought i would ask here. My PC specs are as follows: i5-4690 (Non OC) 8 Gigs of Kingston Fury 1866. (Soon to be upped to 16 Gigs. H97M-D3H Mobo from Gigabyte...