rx 7900

Forum discussion tagged with rx 7900.
  1. Ferrariassassin

    Question What GPU would be a good upgrade to go to from a 980Ti for under $900 USD?

    I am finally ready to put my old 980Ti to rest. I want to spend under $900 if i can. I have my eyes on a 4070Ti or an RX 7900 but benchmarks and riviews show the 4070ti being much better. I also looked at some 30 series cards but they are all the same or more expensive than the new 4070Ti so i...
  2. T

    Question Question regarding gpu upgrade

    Hi guys, So basically at the moment the pc setup I have is a i7-9700k and a 2070 super. I mainly play 1440p and dont really care to much about 4k. My cousin is deciding to build a pc and I was going to sell him my 2070 super for about $400 and a 750 watt psu for $100 which I dont use anymore...