smb share

Forum discussion tagged with smb share.
  1. Sophia-Ashe

    Question Tool to copy file server ?

    I'm looking for a copy tool from your experience which meets the below requirements : GUI and work automatically copy file server from windows server 2019 to Azure blob can schedule tasks can work on the background to email me when any task is done or when any problem happens support SMB easy...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Very Slow Transfer Speeds Within Network

    So I will relay my situation that I have been experiencing for the past month or so as well as the troubleshooting steps that I have performed and hopefully someone points out an 'AH-HA' moment and I can finally get this resolved. So the scenario is I have 3 computers, all with static IPs all...
  3. K

    [SOLVED] Samba share doens't appear at network section RRS feed

    I am trying to reach my samba server although does not appear on network selection and I have to do this manually from PowerShell net use F: \\SERVERHOME\MANOS or from file manager adding this on address bar. \\SERVERHOME\MANOS. Older versions of windows reach the server at network...
  4. Aarix

    [SOLVED] ANY strictly LAN activity renders anything else (Such as Internet) unusable.

    Okay so I have 2 custom built computers, one for my Desktop, another for my NAS. Both have a 1gbps NIC. The NAS is running Windows server 2016 and the desktop is running Windows 10 Pro. I have an Arris modem/router combo. Whenever ANYTHING happens that involves anything moving files back and...
  5. S

    Question Which file sharing protocol would be the best for remote access and supported by Windows 10?

    I have a little home server. I have set up an SFTP and SMB share. The problem is that SFTP is not supported by Windows 10's File Explorer, SMB is good locally but as I read feedback, it's pretty dangerous to open it on the router. The reason why I need it to be supported by Windows is because I...