
Forum discussion tagged with Spillage.
  1. F

    Question When I turn on my pc everything seems as usual but there is no display

    Yesterday I spilled a bit of orange juice on my desk and some drops fell on top of my pc case, I quickly unplugged the computer, most of the juice fell on top of my watercooler's radiator and because it has a dust filter on top not a lot of it made it inside the pc. I opened it and cleaned the...
  2. L

    Question No post from PC not booting

    Hi all, My pc had cocacola spill after drying up I turned on and it booted then I shut it off and tried again later and wont boot. What happens: all fans spin, all rgb ON, Icue capellix on, the GPU spin the Light goes On the OFF quickly but keeps spinning. No post no booting. Whats causing...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] Spilled Red Bull into top Pc case fan HELP

    I spilled Red Bull and it went into my pc and got launched almost everywhere by the top fan. My computer was still running but my mouse and keyboard lights turned off (nothing got on them). When trying to turn the pc back on everything looks like it’s working, GPU lights are on, motherboard...
  4. camjwilk

    [SOLVED] How to clean sticky substance off GPU PCB?

    There is a collection of some sticky substance on the top of my GPU, it almost looks like root beer or diet coke. I discovered the residue after a friend spilled root-beer on my desk and it dripped through onto/into my case. I've heard to use isopropyl alcohol but I worry since I feel like I...
  5. muchdsign

    Question Monitor has bright spot since hung on Mount

    Hey ! Today I placed my main monitor on a monitor mount (Arctic z3), I had to screw it on. Since then, the monitor has a big bright spot right in the middle and some spillage on the sides. It mainly/only shows on a fully black page. When turned off, the monitor looks normal. No bumps or...
  6. R

    Q9650 vs i5-2400 for 1080p video editing?

    Which processor would be better for video editing between the q9650 and the i5-2400? Ive heard both are almost neck and neck in other articles and forums but those were about gaming. My friend knows someone who is selling a computer that comes with an i5-2400 for $90 and ive been in the market...