stuck on boot

Forum discussion tagged with stuck on boot.
  1. Lep08

    Question Boot gets stuck at manufacturer logo on cold boot

    Hi Guys. I've been having this issue that has been anoying me for the last month aproximately. Whenever I boot my pc the next day after performing a shutdown (so when waking up), the boot gets stuck on the manufacturer logo, this only gets solved by forcing a shutdown and turning it back on...
  2. Volkriegz

    Question Please help, stuck on motherboard logo on boot. Can't boot into windws

    Hi, so i just build a new pc for my restaurant. It works fine before and then suddenly its stuck, my screen was black without anything after i pressed the powrr button, and then i tried to press all button, safe mode, bios, etc. And i successfully entered the bios, and then i checked ram, cpu...
  3. mikee_

    [SOLVED] System POSTS and display works, but keyboard and mouse don't ?

    So today I updated my gigabyte b450m ds3h from bios ver. F50 to F60c so I could upgrade my cpu to a 3rd gen cpu, and after it wasn’t seeing a boot drive, and I got into the bios and put my boot drive as first priority, then restarted, then it boots with the reboot and select proper reboot device...
  4. T

    Question Asus P9X79 - MemOK - POST - does not boot - no display - stuck on boot

    Hi ! I'm just another guy who bought this board some time ago. I was really glad that had found a mobo which address 64GB of memory and had fun with it for the virtualization purposes. Never the less this mobo is a hidden surprise! It works unless it sudenly stops, the day you need your rig...
  5. B

    external connecting fujitsu mhu2100at

    I have the standard usb/ide/sata external adapter, but the mhu2100at evidently has 4 pins for connect power which I have not seen before and my external connector does not have an adapter for this. and I don't see anything so far web searching. so ..... how to connect and power this drive...
  6. H4X0R46

    Is this a safe temp for my GPU to be running at?

    Hello! I just have a quick question about my GPU. It's an XFX GTR RX 480 8GB Black Edition. I just bought The Witcher 3 and was playing at full graphics, but noticed that it was running at 89C - 90C! The side of my PC feels hot to the touch. Is this a safe temperature for this card to be running...