Three Monitors

Forum discussion tagged with Three Monitors.
  1. Horsebeard

    Question Windows Automatically Logs Out when Connecting my Third Monitor

    Good day everyone, This is a strange one. I've recently purchased a (cheap) USB3-HDMI converter to use for a third monitor with my laptop. Now, the drivers given with the device seem to work when I use the laptop just with the USB-HDMI monitor. The laptop also works with just the HDMI monitor...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] 3 Display, 2 display port question

    Hello, I have 3 Asus PG279Q's, I want to connect them all in surround to my RTX2070 Super, 144Hz and 1440p. (It has 2 DP out, 1 HDMI out, and one USB-C out) To achieve this do I use the two display port outs and the 3rd uses the HDMI, or can I use the USB-C as an out to Displayport using a...
  3. DrDrew

    [SOLVED] Is 180 Watt PSU enough?

    I’m trying to make a three monitor display. Two being 43” 4K LED TVs and one 24” 1080 monitor. I’m NOT gaming. I’m a dentist and I’m trying to show Xrays at the highest resolution on the two TVs when patients are sitting or laying down (so not simultaneously). My current GPU is integrated...
  4. M

    Ping spikes and laggy connection

    Currently I'm dealing with an issue on my wireless connection where anytime I try to play online games or stream online my ping spikes randomly and unpredictably causing lag. For example, I play the online game League of Legends. Upon entering the game I have around an 80 ping which is right...
  5. steven467

    670's for 780ti or 290x

    Hi, I'm considering trading up as my title states. I recently picked up a Samsung 4k monitor, and while the 670's do fine pushing it, I've ran into a few snags when trying to run 4k + sli in various games. They are 2gb cards but I can guarantee you that's not my issue so don't mention it. Just...
  6. K

    is this a good build for bf4 and planetside 2 thats the it good to play bf4,bf3,call of duty black ops 2 and skyrim