
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Til.
  1. C


    Hello, I have windows 7 and I know that I have a bad battery... I try to start my computer plugged in and all I get is a blank screen...nothing loads...what should I do?
  2. R

    780i Release Date?

    Does ANYONE have any idea when the 780i is coming out? I saw them for sale for like 2 days and they dissapeared again, and this was around mid to late december. And I can't seem to find any info on the release date, but I dunno if anyone else has any idea. Are they just going to release them...
  3. A

    Laptop Video Card (ATI Radeon) Problem.

    Hi Folks, I have problem with my video card for my laptop. I think it could be physical damage, but I'm not sure... I'm not sure what is the best course of action at this time, so I ask for your guidance, as what to do The situation: - I have an Acer Ferrari 4000 laptop with an ATI Mobility...
  4. G

    Quick question on Catalyst 10.2

    Will amd's Catalyst 10.2 work with my XFX HD5770? Is it the best driver so far?
  5. Dark Lord of Tech

    Will this cpu work in my optiplex 960?

    Will this cpu run in my optiplex 960? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115057&cm_re=quad_core_processor-_-19-115-057-_-Product thanks for your help!
  6. I

    Memory Timings? what's best if any for me

    I cerrently have build a new cyctem from the ground up and was wondering the whole thing behind memory timings and there general purpose of it A couple of questions 1. Wil i get a slighhtly or a major increase in my FPS? 2. Will decoding and encoding run faster or is it not worth it? 3. Will...
  7. M

    Talk abt eMachines here?

    Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 (More info?) Is this the newsgroup to discuss eMachines computers as well as Gateway?
  8. P

    Should I Buy The HD 2900XT?

    So it turns out through my work I can buy an HD 2900XT 512MB directly from AMD through an accommodation site for $270. I think its a great deal but I'm still a bit worried. -Heat -AA/AF -8pin PCIE So the above listed are the conserns that I have. Now it seems lately with new drivers I've been...
  9. B

    Just installed ATi HD2900XT - preliminary thoughts.

    Couldn't believe my eyes the first time I ran this. Proxycon actually looks like a game you could play now, and the canyon scene was breathtaking at like 60fps. Awesome! Can't wait for better drivers. On the downside, Oblivion doesn't run that great. This card sort of chokes at 1680 x 1050 4xaa...
  10. G

    will 8800gts fit on my motherboard

    i was looking at my motherboard i ordered and i was thinking the southbridge chipset seems a bit close to the pcie slot like its almost under it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813138034 thats the card and i wanna get a 8800gts but now im pissed and im worrying i spent...
  11. K

    OC failure!!

    Hi all. I have a setup exatly like this i.e. Abit MB+Gigabite water cool+Intel 6400+2G 800RAM, but I cannot OC the CPU higher than the preset -Turbo mode which is far from the setting tis article mentioned. I wonder what I did wrg. Setting at Turbo mode are : Ext Clock 293/VCore 1.4/DDRV...
  12. G

    I get an error everytime I try to open the fax console

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?) I reinstalled the fax printer today after not using it for 2 years. When it was installed before It worked just fine. I have also recently installed sp2 and problems like this keep popping up. The error message I get is...
  13. G

    NTSC (ie video) to VGA converters? (using old VGA monitors..

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?) There must be some way I can put my old 19" tube VGA monitors to use for watching regular off-air or cable TV. No home theater or media room is complete without, say, 4 monitors for watching auxilliary channels, security cam, etc...
  14. G

    ATI9200 with DVI?

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?) Does ATI radeon 9200 (NOT SE, not pro, just basic) made by ATI itself has both DVI and VGA connection?
  15. G

    Problem with Asus A7M266

    Please, help me! I need an information: I have a mobo Asus A7M266 with the lever of the cpu socket broken, so now i can install or remove a cpu moving the socket by hands... I don't know which version of bios the mobo has, but however an old version. I never used this mobo (now i have a...
  16. A

    high-end cards and games

    Hey this could be a dumb question but I am about to buy a workstation primarly for 3d animation and I was wondering if using a high-end 3d card (quadro) would work with Pc games? i.e Unreal 2003, Doom, etc. I thought maybe high cards might not be built for that type of use and there would be...
  17. J

    Frequent Computer Freezes on homebuilt system. Help?

    Hello. I need help determining the problem with my computer. Before I get too far into my issues, here is my system build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zV9d Basically, here is the issue. My computer has been frequently either freezing up while I am using it (in which case, it is typically when...
  18. T

    Free toshiba satellite m500 recovery cd download

    hi, My Toshiba Satellite M500 recently had a hard ware crash. The hard disk drive was replaced in return. However, i have not downloaded a copy of the recovery media. May i know where can i download a copy of the recovery media for M500 that is running on Windows 7 home premium? Thanks a million!!
  19. J

    Will a new Motherboard fix my power problems?

    I have a 4 year old Dell Inspiron 1720 with a graphics card. The machine won't run off the AC Adaptor (I have 2 and doesn't work on either one). The battery is fully discharged by the LED's on the back of the bettery. the machine won't run off the battery either. When I push the power button...
  20. D

    Looking for a new monitor

    Hey there masters of the hardware! I am in the market for a new LCD monitor, I will mostly be using it for competitive gaming and would love to have a fast, big monitor to view on. Here are my requirements: 1: my range for monitors is 22-24". Wide-Screen is fine 2: my requirements for native...
  21. amuffin

    Antec Kuhler 620?

    How would this fair in overclocking a 2500k to 4-4.4ghz? Also anyone know if this can compare to the corsair H series?
  22. G

    These coin doors any good?

    Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?) Hey all, Need to replace the reimport one slot coin door on my CFTBL. I want one with coin mechs and a coin box. Any opinions on this one? http://www.pinballuniverse.com/coindoors.htm I would assume that no coin mechs or cash box are...
  23. acoolman

    How do U think Ainol NOVO 7 Advanced Android 2.3 tablet pc?

    i want to buy a android tablet PC send it to my brother as Christmas gift, i find one tablet pc called Ainol NOVO 7 Advanced Android 2.3 tablet, this is a High equipment android tablet by umibuy‘s description, but i don't how about the quality, (you can know about this tablet pc from this Online...
  24. houdinii

    Time to overclock

    ok i finally got my pc parts and got it all together and working fine now i want to overclock it. not to high but just to get some extra kick to it. i found this guide of of another post from bit tech i swear its the one and only step by step overclocking link in the entire world. got a few...
  25. Mrsquirreleo

    School Binder Computer

    Would it be possible to build a computer into my school binder? I could you the rasberry pie for the main parts of the compter, but I would still have to find a way to get a screen in there and power it with a battery propaly from a laptop. Im at school at the moment so I can't post a...
  26. spamdude1992

    BIOS won't let me boot from CD

    I just bought an older computer with Windows 2000 Professional on it. It works fine, but right now I'm trying to install Windows 98 SE on it. I'm extremely frustrated, because I'm trying to boot from the CD drive, but the boot priorities don't work. I've partially deleted some of the C:\...
  27. S

    Does hyper-threading really mean twice the power??

    I was curious whether hyper-threading means twice the number of cores at their full potential or each virtual core has actually half as much power as the physical core. It is easily understood that an i5-3570 will be 4 cores at 3.3GHz for sure, but will an i7-3770 be 8 cores at 3.3GHz or...
  28. ikip

    AMD noob M4A88TD-V EVO

    Hey guys, Ok I'm a noob, been doing a lot of research and assembling parts for my first build. I like gaming but i know i wont be doing a lot of it so the computer is going to be a workhorse workstation i.e. Audio/Video editing and the usual crap email, youtube, etc Some games and flight...
  29. E

    Intel i5 2400 First Build...CPU Cooler??

    Aftermarket cooler important? Going to be running WoW and possibly SWTOR. Other than that just web surfing emails, occasionally torrenting huge amounts of educational text. It's my first build so I want to know if an aftermarket cooler is important based on my uses. COOLER MASTER HAF 912...
  30. carlosb

    Do I need a new case?

    I recently built a computer with the following specs: GTX 560 ti Intel Core i5 2500k 850 watt power supply a stock case the problem is i don't know if i need a new case since this was one only has an 80 mm side fan. the case is all nice with its LEDs but do i need a better one so as to cool...
  31. S

    Dell optiplex gx620 sound drivers free download window 7 32bit

  32. G

    How to remove static noise from video card

    There must be someone that really knows how to remove the static noise on my speakers generated by the video card of my computer, when i disconnect the monitor cables, the static disappears, so i know the source but i don't know what to do in order to eliminate the static. Any suggestion? Thanks!
  33. G

    Hollywood may demand DRM for larger harddrives - analyst

    Harddrives using perpendicular recording are on track to hit the market in early 2006 with capacities of up to 160 or even 200 GByte in 2.5" form factors. Consumer electronics using these devices could follow soon thereafter - but Hollywod may have a say in how quickly these monster drives make...
  34. K

    Will this micro atx case be sufficient for any GPU?

    I have been traumatized after buying a slim line HP and realizing that I was limited on the GPU deparment :P. So I would like to know if this MICRO atx case could work with any GPU! (I do not want to have to use Low profiles :/) The case is this one...
  35. G

    Mage updates?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.whitewolf (More info?) While I appreciate the effort, I've been underwhelmed the last couple of weeks. The ranks and nature of the Arcana are *too* much like those of the Spheres, leading to a strong feeling of "I've known this for YEARS!" Tho I haven't bothered...
  36. G

    Will this upgrade work?

    Hi Guys, I'm kind of new to this so bear with me please. I currently have this quite old computer at home (Copied info from Aida) Packard Bell ixtreme i6523 uk And is was wondering if these upgrades would be ok to put in without causing any problems HDD...
  37. D


  38. H

    eVGA 680I issues?

    I just purchased this mobo from Newegg for my C2D build. Everything I've read has been fairly positive until I wandered over to the eVGA forums. It seems like everyone and their brother is having issues with this Mobo. Has anybody here had any problems or issues with this board? Thanks...
  39. bxmedic

    AS 5 or Thermalgrease for Zalman VF900-cu?

    Just got a Zalman VF900 cooler to replace the cooler on my rather warm 7900GTX. I forgot to get a new tube of Arctic Silver. I am wondering, would be any great difference in if I used the thermal grease that comes with the HSF? The other question I have is, does AS go bad? I have a tube that is...
  40. G

    BF GC Night(s)

    Archived from groups: alt.games.battlefield1942 (More info?) With the release of the new Star Wars movie, we thought it might be fun to just play some old school GC on the 27th & 28th. Map vote is on, server is set for just fun. Admins will be online. I would like to invite you all. Details...